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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Articles On Drug Design By Rational Approach

Docking permits the someone to nearly screen a info of compounds and predict the strongest binders supported numerous marking functions. It explores ways that within which  molecules, like medication associated an catalyst receptors fits alon...View More

LymphomatoÃd Papulosis

Lymphoma is a group of blood cancers that develop from lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). The name often refers to the cancer versions rather than all of these tumors. Signs and symptoms may include enlarged lymph...View More

Development Of Generic Drug

A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug that contains the same chemical substance as a drug that was originally protected by chemical patents.. To facilitate generic drug product availability and to assist the generic pharmaceutical industry with ...View More

Cancer New Findings

Cancer is a group of diseases associated with abnormal cell growth with potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These contrast with benign tumors, which do not spread.  Possible signs and...View More

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; also adrenocorticotropin, corticotropin) is a polypeptide tropic hormone produced by and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It is also used as a medication and diagnostic agent. ...View More

Nuclear Localization Signal

A nuclear localization signal or sequence is an amino acid sequence that 'tags' a protein for import into the cell nucleus by nuclear transport. Typically, this signal consists of one or more short sequences of positively charged lysines o...View More

Lignin Biosynthesis

Lignin is one among the foremost important secondary metabolite which is produced by the phenylalanine/tyrosine metabolic pathway in plant cells.Lignin biosynthesis may be a very complex network that&...View More

Marfan Syndrome

Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue. Those with the condition tend to be tall and thin, with long arms, legs, fingers and toes They also typically have flexible joints and scoli...View More

Vascular Medicine Online Journals

Vascular Medicine is the premier ISI-ranked, peer-reviewed academic journal of vascular medicine comprising original research articles and reviews on vascular biology, epidemiology, diagnosis, medical treatment and interventional therapy for vascu...View More


Immunizations, also referred to as vaccinations, help protect you from getting an communicable disease . once you get vaccinated, you help protect others also . Vaccines are very safe. it's much s...View More

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus may be a disorder during which blood glucose (glucose) levels are abnormally high because the body doesn't produce enough insulin to satisfy its needs. Urination and thirst are i...View More


Melon is a sweet edible fleshy fruit belonging to family Cucurbitaceae. There many sub categories of plants with the same family. In Botanical term, Melon is a kind of berry specifically called as Pepo. Melon name was derived from the Greek word &...View More

Transgenic Animals

Transgenic animals are animals (most commonly mice) that have had a far off gene deliberately inserted into their genome. Such animals are most ordinarily created by the microinjection of DNA into the...View More


Transgenesis is that the process of introducing a gene (referred to as a transgene) from one organism into the genome of another organism. The aim is that the resulting transgenic organism will expres...View More

Aricles On Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn't contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable. Ma...View More

Physiotherapy Online Journals

Physical therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions that, by using evidence-based kinesiology, electrotherapy, shockwave modality, exercise prescription, joint ...View More

Low Back Pain

The muscles and ligaments in the back can stretch or tear due to excess activity. Symptoms include pain and stiffness in the lower back, as well as muscle spasms. Rest and physical therapy are remedies for these symptoms...View More

Women Health

Women's health refers to the health of women, which differs from that of men in many unique ways. Women's health is an example of population health Women also need health care more and access the health care system...View More

Transgenic Products Top Open Access Journals

Genetic modification may be a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or microorganisms. Combining genes from different organisms i...View More

Biomedical Polymer

Biomedical polymers are essentially a biomaterial, that is used and adapted for a medical application. Biomedical polymer can have a beginning functional, such as being used for a heart valve and more interactive purpose such a...View More

Application Of Proteomics To Detect Biomarkers

Biomarkers (short for biological markers) are biological measures of a biological state. By definition, a biomarker is "a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes,...View More

Transgenic Products Impact Factor

Genetic modification may be a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or microorganisms. Combining genes from different organisms is understood as recombinant deoxyribonucleic ac...View More

International Journal Of Cosmology

Cosmology (from the Greek κÏŒσμος, kosmos "world" and -λογία, -logia "study of") is a branch of astronomy concerned with the studies of th...View More

Top Journal On Artificial Pancreas

An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea...View More

Transgenic Products Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Genetic modification may be a special set of gene technology that alters the genetic machinery of such living organisms as animals, plants or microorganisms. Combining genes from different organisms is understood as recombinant deoxyribonucleic ac...View More

Review Articles On Artificial Pancreas

An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea...View More

Peer-reviewed Journals On Artificial Pancreas

An artificial pancreas is a man-made device that is designed to release insulin in response to changing blood glucose levels in a similar way to a human pancreas. Artificial pancreas systems are being studied as a possible trea...View More

Parasitic Diseases Research Articles

Giardia lamblia exist in two forms one is cyst and other is trophozoite. it's Four pairs of flagella two nuclei and a sucking disk on the ventral surface with which it absorbs nutrient from intest...View More

Parasitic Diseases High Impact Factor Journals

Giardiasis is an illness caused by protozoan Giardia lamblia. it's a gastrointestinal disease. It becomes sometime symptomatic also as asymptomatic. it's epidemic and sporadic in its nature an...View More

Experimental Genomics High Impact Factor Journals

Genomics is a branch of genetics that applies methods like recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and research the function and structure of genomes. It involves research t...View More