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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Allergic Reaction Top Journals

  Allergies often bring to mind sneezing, a runny nose or watery eyes. While these are symptoms of some types of allergic disease, it&rsqu...View More

Allergic Reaction Scientific Journals

  Allergies often bring to mind sneezing, a runny nose or watery eyes. While these are symptoms of some types of allergic disease, it&rsqu...View More

Attention-deficit Hyperactive Disorder Open Access Journals

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as...View More

Attention-deficit Hyperactive Disorder Innovations

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as...View More

Attention-deficit Hyperactive Disorder Online Journals

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as...View More

Attention-deficit Hyperactive Disorder Open Access Articles

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as...View More

Impeller Blade

An impeller is a rotating component equipped with vanes or blades used in turbomachinery (e. g. centrifugal pumps). Flow deflection at the impeller vanes allows mechanical power (energy at the vanes) to be converted into...View More

Attention-deficit Hyperactive Disorder Review Articles

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as...View More

Articles On Theoretical Science

A theoretical definition defines a term in an academic discipline, functioning as a proposal to see a phenomenon in a certain way. A theoretical definition is a proposed way of thinking about potentially related events. ...View More

Reputed Medicinal Chemistry Journals

Medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry are disciplines of pharmacy at the intersection of chemistry, especially synthetic organic chemistry, and pharmacology and various other biological specialties, where they...View More

Cerebral Palsy Top Journals

  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childh...View More

Cerebral Palsy High Impact Factor Journals

  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childh...View More

Cerebral Palsy Research Articles

  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childh...View More

Cerebral Palsy Scientific Journals

  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childh...View More

Cerebral Palsy Scholarly Journal

  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological condition caused by brain damage and it is the most common motor and movement disability of childh...View More


BioTechniques: the International Journal of Life Science Methods is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal published by Future Science Group. It covers laboratory methods and techniques that a...View More

Synthetic Body Fluid

Playing a critical role in the metabolic homeostasis of living systems, the circulating concentrations of peptides/proteins are influenced by a variety of patho-physiological events. These peptide/pro...View More

Tissue Scholarly Peer-review Journal

In biology, tissue is a cellular organizational level between cells and a complete organ. A tissue is an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together car...View More

Cytoskeleton Open Access Articles

The cytoskeleton is a complex, dynamic network of interlinking protein filaments present in the cytoplasm of all cells, including bacteria and archaea. It extends from the cell nucleus to the cell membrane and is compose...View More

High Impact Biopharmaceutics Journals

A biopharmaceutical, also known as a biologic(al) medical product,[1] or biologic, is any pharmaceutical drug product manufactured in, extracted from, or semisynthesized from biological sources. Different from totally sy...View More

Pathogenic Variations

If we have a tendency to square measure to breed common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for sturdy resistance to diseases, we have a tendency to should perceive morbific variation and notice sources of resistance. Our initial objective was to figure ...View More

Non-pathogenic Mycobacterium Smegmatis

Mycobacterium smegmatis is associate degree impervious microorganism species within the phylum Actinobacteria and also the mycobacteria|bacteria genus. phyletic trees were made mistreatment sequence of core orthologs, sequence content and sequence...View More

Tuberculosis As A Persistent Malady

Tuberculosis (TB) is an communicable disease usually caused by tubercle bacillus (MTB) bacteria. Tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but also can affect other parts of the body. Most infections show no symptoms, in which case it is known as ...View More

Anti-mycobacterial Therapy

Tuberculosis may be a major explanation for illness and death worldwide. The epidemic of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and therefore the increased number of other immunocompromised hosts have led to an interesting increase in Mycobacteriu...View More

Ribbon Plant

Chlorophytum comosum is straightforward to grow as a houseplant; varicolored forms ar the foremost widespread. The 3 delineate varieties in C. comosum may well be AN example of this focused evolution of natural shape among the forest-dwelling vari...View More

Knee Osteotomy

Osteotomy literally means "cutting of the bone." In a knee osteotomy, either the tibia (shinbone) or femur (thighbone) is cut and then reshaped to relieve pressure on the knee joint. Knee osteotomy is used when...View More

Tb Parasitic Infections

Co-infection of infectious disease and parasitic diseases in humans is a very important public drawback in co-endemic areas in developing countries. Protozoa infection, another variety of parasitic infection, is common in urban areas lacking clean...View More

Pulmonary Tuberculosis- Impaired Phenotype

Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is usually related to impaired medicine functions. Blood monocytes, which might differentiate into nerve fiber cells upon protein stimulation, play a central role in adequate immune reactivity. Here, we tend to investi...View More

Antibacterial Activities Of Bacterial Symbionts

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by mycobacterium. though TB could be a curable sickness, it continues tobe one in every of the foremost necessary infectious causes of death worldwide. country ranks third on the list of TB highburden countries within t...View More

Crown Rust

Crown rust (or leaf rust) of oats is caused by the plant life genus Puccinia coronata power unit. avenae. It infects the Illinois oat crop virtually per annum. many specialised types of the plant life attack several connected grasses. the quantity...View More