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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Metabolomics Review Journals

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Current Reviews Clinical Health Informatics

Health informatics is extremely on the brink of its name because it involves healthcare and knowledge. Although it's described in various ways, the simplest definition is healthcare + information ...View More

Knee Arthroscopy Journals

Knee arthroscopy is a clinical strategy that awards specialists to see the knee joint without making a giant area point (cut) through the skin and other delicate tissues. Arthroscopy is utilized to se...View More

Ankle Arthroscopy Scientific Journals

Ankle arthroscopy is medical procedure that utilizes a little camera and careful devices to analyze or fix the tissues inside or around your ankle. The camera is called an arthroscope. The method perm...View More

Current Reviews In Health Informatics

Health informatics is a combination of knowledge science, software engineering, science, behavioral science and medicinal services. It manages the resources, gadgets, and methods needed to reinforce s...View More

Sequencing Open Access Journals

Cutting edge sequencing advances have changed genomics and modified the logical distribution scene. Life-science diaries teem with genome papers—peer-evaluated portrayals of recently sequenced chromosomes. In spite...View More

Endometrial And Ovarian Cancers

Synchronous endometrial and ovarian carcinoma (SEOC) is a rare instance but it accounts for 50–70% of all synchronous female genital tract tumors. Due to the different management and the favorable prognosis of SEOCs, it is important to separ...View More

Reviews In Clinical Health Informatics

Health informatics is an emerging branch of science, which deals with applications of informatics, including information technology. Clinical Health Informatics journal is an open access journal which...View More

Streptococci Peer-review Journals

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is an opportunistic pathogen capable of causing ocular infections such as keratitis. The studies on this specific bacterium gave the information that the host immune factors involv...View More


Law is a set of rules decided by a particular state meant for the purpose of keeping the peace and security of society. Courts or police may enforce this system of rules and punish people who break th...View More

Terpenes Impact Factor

Terpenes are a large and diverse class of organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants, particularly conifers, and by some insects. They often have a strong odor and may protect the plants that produce them by dete...View More

Journals In Modern Chemistry

The mission of the top Modern Chemistry Open Access Journal provides a forum for publishing new findings on Modern Chemistry & Modern Chemistry.  Currently our primary research objective is to encourage and assist the development of bette...View More

Health Informatics Importance

Health care has been a continuing topic of dialogue in recent years and health informatics has played a crucial role in trying to make sure most are given the simplest possible quality of health care....View More

Ankle Sprains Scientific Journals

An ankle sprain is a physical issue to the intense groups of tissue (tendons) that encompass and interface the bones of the leg to the foot. The injury normally happens when you coincidentally bend or...View More

Chronic Inflammation Journals

Chronic inflammation represents a long-term reaction to an inflammatory stimulus characterized by continued recruitment of mononuclear leukocytes (monocytes and lymphocytes) accompanied by tissue injury due to the sustained inflammatory response. ...View More

Diabetes Impact Factor

Gestational diabetes scholarly journal gestational diabetes is diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy (gestation). Like other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar (glucose). Gestational diabetes ...View More

Health Informatics Drug List

Health Informatics is a discipline of science, which deals with intersection of data science, computing, medical informatics, health care informatics. It’s applied to several areas of science li...View More

Organic Chemistry Innovations

Bio-Organic chemistry Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing scientific needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ide...View More

Early Lactation Open Access Journals

The goal of personalized medicine is to provide individualized treatment and to predict the clinical outcome of different treatments in different patients. Pharmacogenomics is one of the core elements...View More

Meniere's Disease

Ménière's illness (MD) is a confusion of the inward ear that is portrayed by scenes of feeling like the world is turning (vertigo), ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing misfortune...View More

Health Informatics And Surgery

Health Informatics may be a discipline of science, which deals with intersection of data science, computing, medical informatics, health care informatics. It's applied to several areas of science ...View More


Perfluorochemicals are broadly utilized in the assembling and handling of an immense range of customer merchandise, including electrical wiring, apparel, family and car items. Besides, generally littl...View More

Preterm Birth Peer-review Journals

Preterm birth, otherwise called untimely birth, is the introduction of a child at less than 37 weeks' gestational age, instead of the standard around 40 weeks. These children are known as preemies...View More

Metabolomics Journals List

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Chronic Inflammation Peer Review Journals

Chronic inflammation represents a long-term reaction to an inflammatory stimulus characterized by continued recruitment of mononuclear leukocytes (monocytes and lymphocytes) accompanied by tissue injury due to the sustained inflammatory response. ...View More

Health Informatics Future

Healthcare is consistently evolving and the ways physicians are handling patient information. New technology is paving the way to a totally revitalized system that efficiently handles patient informat...View More

Health Informatics Applications

Today’s modern medicine requires doctors to be constantly conscious of new developments, new medications, and new procedures. With the influx of patients into the medical system, it's more e...View More

Ankle Sprains Research Articles

An ankle sprain is a physical issue to the intense groups of tissue (tendons) that encompass and interface the bones of the leg to the foot. The injury normally happens when you coincidentally bend or...View More

Clinical Veterinary Microbiology Peer Review Journals

The goal of personalized medicine is to provide individualized treatment and to predict the clinical outcome of different treatments in different patients. Pharmacogenomics is one of the core elements...View More

Parkinson's Disease Review Articles

Parkinson's disease is a common movement disorder seen in neurological practice, but the diagnosis and management is challenging. The diagnosis is clinical and sometimes difficult, considering a large number of motor and non-motor symptoms in ...View More