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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Early Lactation Best Online Journals

Breast milk is thought to be the best form of nutrition for neonates and infants. The properties of human milk facilitate the transition of life from in utero to ex utero. This dynamic fluid provides ...View More

Flat Feet Online Journals

Flat feet  is a postural distortion where the curves of the foot breakdown, with the whole underside of the foot coming into complete or close total contact with the ground. There is a practical ...View More


Law is a set of rules decided by a particular state meant for the purpose of keeping the peace and security of society. Courts or police may enforce this system of rules and punish people who break th...View More

Humanity-online Journals

Humanity may be a virtue related to basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. It also symbolises human love and compassion towards one another. That is, humanity, and therefore the acts of affection, altruism, and social intellige...View More

Scholarly Open Access Journals In Metabolomics

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Cardiac Ischemia Scientific Journals

. Ischemia or ischaemia is a limitation in blood gracefully to tissues, causing a deficiency of oxygen that is required for cell digestion (to keep tissue alive). Ischemia is by and large brought abou...View More

Ankle Arthroscopy Online Journals

Ankle arthroscopy is medical procedure that utilizes a little camera and careful devices to analyze or fix the tissues inside or around your ankle. The camera is called an arthroscope. The method perm...View More

Diabetes Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Type 1 diabetes scholarly peer-review journal once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter ...View More


Multivariate information investigation is a lot of measurable models that analyze designs in multidimensional information by considering, without a moment's delay, a few information factors. It is an extension of biv...View More

Early Lactation Peer Review Journals

Breast milk is thought to be the best form of nutrition for neonates and infants. The properties of human milk facilitate the transition of life from in utero to ex utero. This dynamic fluid provides ...View More

Next Generation Journals

Diary of Next Generation Sequencing and Applications is a wide put together diary found with respect to two key fundamentals: To distribute the most energizing Reviews on Next age Sequencing and Applications: Second to g...View More

Open Access Metabolomics Journals

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More


intends to give data about current improvements on radiology, clinical and clinical imaging advancements as top notch articles and convenient surveys improvements in the field. Diary of Radiology and ...View More

Ankle Arthroscopy Open Access Articles

Ankle arthroscopy is medical procedure that utilizes a little camera and careful devices to analyze or fix the tissues inside or around your ankle. The camera is called an arthroscope. The method perm...View More

Top Open Access Metabolomics Journals

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Ankle Arthroscopy Top Journals

Ankle arthroscopy is medical procedure that utilizes a little camera and careful devices to analyze or fix the tissues inside or around your ankle. The camera is called an arthroscope. The method perm...View More

Clinical Veterinary Microbiology Impact Factor

Pharmacoproteomics is a rapidly advancing field in which the techniques of proteomics are applied to develop pharmaceutical agents. The word itself was coined only in 1997. However, this branch of stu...View More

Articles In Clinical Health Informatics

Clinical health informatics, also called as health awareness informatics which is the study and utilization of information and data innovation to convey human services administrations and to enhance p...View More

Metabolomics Journals

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Neurotoxicity Journals

This metal continuously gathers in the mind both during typical maturing and neurodegenerative procedures. High iron focuses in the mind have been reliably seen in Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson&#...View More


Forensic anthropology is a unique sub-area of bodily anthropology (the examine of human stays) that involves applying skeletal evaluation and strategies in archaeology to solving criminal cases. When human remains or a suspected burial are found,&...View More

Early Lactation Top Journals

Breast milk is thought to be the best form of nutrition for neonates and infants. The properties of human milk facilitate the transition of life from in utero to ex utero. This dynamic fluid provides ...View More

Research In Clinical Health Informatics

Clinical Health Informatics is an interdisciplinary field that deals with data, information and knowledge associated with health and healthcare systems. The sector draws on scientific theories and met...View More

Articles On Metabolomics

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Ankle Arthroscopy Scholarly Journal

Ankle arthroscopy is medical procedure that utilizes a little camera and careful devices to analyze or fix the tissues inside or around your ankle. The camera is called an arthroscope. The method perm...View More

Important Clinical Health Informatics Journals

Clinical health informatics is an emerging branch of science, which deals with applications of informatics, including information technology. Clinical health informatics is an open access journal whic...View More

Metabolomics Impact Factor

Metabolomics is an academic Journal that remembers a wide scope of fields for the estimation and investigation of metabolites in the cells of living beings under specific conditions. Metabolomics intends to distribute the most complete and solid w...View More

Clinical Veterinary Microbiology Scholarly Peer Review Journal

In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of known structure, which, when administered to a living organism, produces a biological effect. A pharmaceutical drug, also called a medicat...View More

Thyroid Nodule High Impact Factor Journals

Perchlorate Contamination of Drinking Water on Thyroid Health ... HER-2 correlated with tumor size only on univariate analysis. OS did ... It has high predictive value, reproducibility, and improved clinical significance. A thyroid nodul...View More

Free Biomedicine Information Journals

Resent day western logical pharmaceutical is frequently called "biomedical" since it clarifies wellbeing in terms of science. It joins significance to learning almost body structure (life structures) and frameworks (physiology), in speci...View More