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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Scholarly Open Access Applied Mathematics Journals

Applied arithmetic is a part of science which is identified with scientific critical thinking conditions. It is essentially utilized in business, industry and science. Essentially it is the utilizatio...View More

Gas Liquid Chromatography Innovations

Gas-liquid chromatography is a common chromatographic method by which the compounds are analyzed which are in gaseous form or vaporized form. The purity of particular substance can be determined with ...View More

Cell Adhesion Peer Review Journals

Cell adhesion is the process by which cells interact and attach to neighbouring cells through specialised molecules of the cell surface. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are a subset of cell adhesion pr...View More

Reputed Applied Mathematics Journals

Applied arithmetic is a part of science which is identified with numerical critical thinking conditions. It is essentially utilized in business, industry and science. Essentially it is the utilization...View More

Scholarly Open Access Earth Sciences Journals

scholarly open access earth sciences journals or geosciences includes all fields of natural science related to the planet Earth. This is a branch of science dealing with the physical and chemical cons...View More


Nanophotonics or nano-optics is a component of nanotechnology that investigates the deportment of light on nanometer scales as well as interactions of nanometer-sized objects with light. Nanophotonics...View More


Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are rod-like nanofibrils that remain after acid hydrolysis of cellulose fibers. CNCs from wood/plant materials, typically have a spindle-like particle morphology (~3&ndas...View More


Nanoscale electronics and photonics are becoming increasingly paramount areas of research which have exhilarated politicians and magnetized a sizably voluminous number of scientists, engineers and gra...View More


Business is otherwise called firm or endeavor, firm is an association which engages in exchanging of merchandise benefits or even both to the customers. A large portion of the organizations are exclus...View More

Prosthodontics Scientific Journals

Prosthodontics is those Procedures which incorporates total and fractional false teeth. They can frequently be called as dental prosthetics or prosthetic dentistry. A prosthodontic strategy finds thei...View More


Nanostructures and nanoparticles of sundry kinds of materials are fabricated by utilizing laser irradiation of the respective bulk targets in air and liquids. In this chapter the formation of nanostru...View More


flood-risk-assessment-review-articles is a document that reviews a development in its proposal form to assess it against the risk of flooding, whether that be from groundwater, river (fluvial), surfac...View More

Digital Dentistry Open Access Journals

The Digital Revolution has now completely entered the universe of dentistry. Intraoral, work area, and face scanners, cone pillar registered tomography (CBCT), PC helped structure/PC helped fabricatin...View More

Geographic Information System Impact Factor

Geographic information system (GIS) may be a system designed to capture, store, manipulate and analyze all kinds of geographical erudition. The signifier GIS is customarily utilized for geographical s...View More

Vortex Stretching

Vortex stretching is at the core of the description of the turbulence energy cascade from the large scales to the small scales in turbulence. In general, in turbulence fluid elements are more lengthened than squeezed, on a...View More

Remote Sensing Open Access Articles

Remote sensing provides information about objects at or near the surface of the Earth and atmosphere predicated on radiation reflected or emitted from those objects. The information is conventionally ...View More


Business is otherwise called firm or endeavor, firm is an association which engages in exchanging of merchandise benefits or even both to the buyers. A large portion of the organizations are exclusive which give products and enterprises to the cli...View More

Global Warming Open Access Articles

Global warming results with the incrementation insurface temperature due to greenhouse effect and deforestation which traps heat obviating it to elude from Earth surface. Science depends on having a clear and vigorous referee system thus the conce...View More

Scientific Journals In Histopathology

 Histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of tissue so as to check the manifestations of malady. Histopathologists give a diagnostic service for cancer; they han...View More

Fish Diseases & Diagnosis

The finding of bacterial fish infections has advanced from customary culture-subordinate techniques including the recuperation of pathogens on agar-containing media and distinguishing proof by assessm...View More

Cell Adhesion Top Gene Therapy

Cell adhesion is the process by which cells interact and attach to neighbouring cells through specialised molecules of the cell surface. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are a subset of cell adhesion pr...View More

Applied Mathematics-journals

Interdisciplinary in its inclusion, Advances in Applied Mathematics is committed to the distribution of unique and review articles on thorough techniques and results in applied science. The diary high...View More

Geographic Information System Innovations

A geographic information system may be a system designed to capture, store, manipulate and analyze all kinds of geographical cognizance. The signifier GIS is conventionally utilized for geographical s...View More

Acute Toxicity Test

In this investigation, the relationship between the intense poisonousness of 15 mixes to Daphnia magna, communicated as 24-and 48-h LC50 values, and the comparing oral LD50 values for the rodent was tried. Since there was proof of a solid connecti...View More

Sperm DNA Impact Factor

Sperm DNA is powerless to oxidative harm due to inborn and outward components which cause oxidative push and due to fractional DNA harm location and repair component. Responsive oxygen species (ROS) are the chief cause of sperm DNA harm. So, this ...View More

Climate Change Scholarly Journal

Climate Change The consequences of climate change arte expected to intensify in the future and emergency and community planners must include climate vicissitude in their peril and needs assessments in...View More

Cell Adhesion Open Access Journals

Cell adhesion is the process by which cells interact and attach to neighbouring cells through specialised molecules of the cell surface. Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are a subset of cell adhesion pr...View More

Family Practice Open Access Journals

Diary of Family Medicine and Primary Care, the official distribution of Family Medicine and Primary Care Trust, tries to encourage scholarly correspondence and interdisciplinary research among essenti...View More

Maxillofacial Surgery Innovations

Maxillofacial Surgery, Cairo University, shared on the new advancements in Oral and Maxillofacial medical procedure. He additionally looked at them against strategies from an earlier time and their li...View More

Hiv Coinfection

The human immunodeficiency infections (HIV) are two types of Lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that contaminate people. After some time, they cause (AIDS), a condition where dynamic disappointment of the insusceptible framework permits dangero...View More