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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Hydrocarbon Fuels

Hydrocarbon combustion refers to the chemical reaction where a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to create carbon dioxide, water, and heat. Hydrocarbons are molecules consisting of both hydrogen and carbon. They are most fa...View More

Affinity Chromatography Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Liking chromatography isolates proteins based on a reversible collaboration between a protein (and gathering of proteins) and a particular ligand coupled to a chromatographic framework. Sanitization that would somehow or another be tedious, troubl...View More

Livestock Production Ecosystem

As people, we are committed to guarantee that our techniques to accomplish and keep up a food-security framework are good with the scenes that we use. We know and reminded every day that heedlessly ac...View More

Massage Therapy

Massage has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, if you need or want a massage, you can choose from about 80 massage therapy styles with a wide variety of pressures, movements, and techniques. These all involve pressing, rubbing, or manip...View More

Scholarly Open Access Aquatic Plants Journals

The best aquatic plants journal aims to publish the articles on recent research on aquatic plants. Aquatic plants are those plants that have adopted to steer a life within the water systems and a few ...View More

Advertising -online- Journals

Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals e...View More

Pharmacology -new-findings

Pharmacology is the study of medications and their impact on living frameworks. You can discover pharmacology present all over the place. In medication cupboards, when you visit the dental specialists and when you take a...View More

Fibromyalgia Genetics Syndrome Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a medical condition characterized by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Other symptoms include tiredness to a degree that normal activities are af...View More

Neonatal Nursing Journals

 Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works with newborn infants born with a spread of issues starting from immaturity, birth defects, infection, internal o...View More

Defense Journals List

The process begins with the formulation of policy at the highest levels of command and government, and extends to the direction and control, sometimes in fine detail, of all aspects of service life. Managers need to interpret the environment in or...View More


Geophysics is a subject of natural science concerned with the physical processes and physical properties of the Earth and its surrounding space environment, and the use of quantitative methods for the...View More

Architectural Engineering Scholarly Journals

Architectural engineering could be a comparatively new authorized profession, rising within the twentieth century as a results of the fast technology advancement of the commercial Revolution. area unita|subject field|fie...View More

Articular Cartilage

Most candidates for articular cartilage restoration are young adults with a single injury, or lesion. Older patients, or those with many lesions in one joint, are less likely to benefit from the surgery. ...View More

Ergonomics And Regenerative Medicine

Relationship between ergonomics and regenerative medicine is non-obvious but important correlations exist between these two areas. By definition, ergonomics is the study of relationship between people, their activities, their equipment and their e...View More

Earth Sciences Online Journals

Earth sciences online journals or geosciences include all fields of natural science related to the planet Earth. This is a branch of science dealing with the physical and chemical constitution of the ...View More


In organic chemistry and pharmacology, receptors are concoction structures, made out of protein, that get and transduce signals that might be coordinated into natural frameworks. These signs are typic...View More

Top Open Access Architectural Engineering Journals

  Architectural engineering may be a comparatively new authorised profession, rising within the twentieth century as a results of the fast technology advancement of the economic ...View More

High Impact Textile Engineering Journals

Journal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology (JTEFT) is a companion investigated academic Journal that intends to distribute the most complete and solid wellspring of data on the revelations ...View More

Poultry Free Online

Poultry (/ˈpoʊltri/) are domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, their meat or their feathers. These birds are most typically members of the superorder Galloanserae (fowl), especially ...View More

Radioastronomy Online Journals

The journal Radioastronomy publishes articles on investigations in present-day radio physics and electronic engineering (electromagnetic wave generation, electromagnetic wave propagation in natural an...View More

Textile Science Open Access Journals

Worldwide Journal of Textile Science and Engineering is an online open-access Journal distributing material exercises and configuration mirroring the expert interests in science, building, financial a...View More


Law is an arrangement of decides that are authorized through social establishments to oversee conduct. Laws can be made by lawmaking bodies through enactment (bringing about resolutions), the official...View More

Analytical Techniques Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Ntegrative medicinal drug is the practice of drugs that makes a speciality of the entire character and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic processes, healthcare professionals, and disciplines to ...View More

Unprotected Sexual Intercourse

 Sexual risk behavior is outlined as unprotected sexual intercourse with partners World Health Organization ar potential carriers of sexually transmitted diseases,&n...View More

High Impact Biotechniques Journals

The hugeness of Peer-investigated open access journals has also evolved in present day learning condition as most of the understudies need a brisk and second access to circulated investigation work fr...View More


The process of biodegradation can be divided into three stages: biodeterioration, biofragmentation, and assimilation. Biodeterioration is sometimes described as a surface-level degradation that modifies the mechanical, p...View More

Advertising- Scholarly -peer-review -journal

Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals e...View More

Analytical Techniques Top Open Access Journals

Ntegrative medicinal drug is the practice of drugs that makes a speciality of the entire character and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic processes, healthcare professionals, and disciplines to ...View More

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Open Access Articles

 The anterior symmetrical ligament (ACL) is that the major stabilising ligament of the knee that forestall os longum slippery anteriorly. The ACL is found&...View More

Textile Engineering Journals Publications

Journal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology (JTEFT) is a friend inspected academic Journal that intends to distribute the most complete and solid wellspring of data on the revelations and cu...View More