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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Business Ethics And Strategies Research Articles

The concept of corporate ethics is no longer confined to academic discussions. Leading corporate the world over have started practicing them in their various facets and dimensions. Strategy is a high priority for all ent...View More

Modern Chemistry Related Journals

Modern Chemistry journals focuses towards the publication of current research work carried out under Chemistry, modern chemistry and Chemical engineering and chemical technology. Focus and Scope Cover...View More

Drug Toxicology Peer-review Journals

The forensic evaluation of medicine is commonly used to decide if an unknown sample is an illicit drug or now not. Complimentary, toxicology evaluation targets to pick out the presence of an illicit dru...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Process Technology Journals

The Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the handling procedures utilized in assembling parts from metals and different materials. The diary plans to distribute full research papers of unique, huge and thoro...View More

Real Time Pcr

A real-time polymerase chain reaction also referred to as a quantitative polymerase chain reaction, is a laboratory technique of molecular biology-based totally at the polymerase chain reaction. It video display units th...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More


GeoEngineering or atmosphere intercession, generally alluded to as geoengineering, is the purposeful and huge scope mediation in the Earth's atmosphere framework, for the most part with the point of relieving the unfriendly impacts of an Earth...View More

Pharmacoepidemiology Open Access Articles

Articles in Pharmacoepidemiology are dedicated to producing analysis, insight and data relating to questions of importance in understanding the Pharmacoepidemiology fields. The international spread of...View More

Systems Biology Journals

System Biology is the computational and numerical investigation and demonstrating of complex organic frameworks. It is a science based interdisciplinary field of study that centres around complex associations inside natu...View More

Astrophysics Uses

In a research paper appearing in the current issue of this journal, Max Wallis and Chandra Wickramasinghe have raised the issue of life in the Kuiper belt objects. Hitherto hazy images of Pluto have c...View More

Biological Engineering-applications

The utilization of an electric field or an electric potential to improve the presentation of the procedures has been applied through a few strategies, for example, ultrafiltration and electro sorption...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Scholarly Journals Modern Chemistry

Scholarly journals are Peer Reviewed International Journal. These journals encompasses all branches of chemistry and its sub – disciplines like Pharmaceutical, Biological activities of Synthetic Drugs, Environmenta...View More

Synapses Journals

The structure which allows the neuron to pass the signals (electric/chemical), with in the nervous system, is known as the synapse. A journal is a periodical publication intended to further progress o...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Chemistry Journals Modern Chemistry

Chemistry is a branch of science that is linked to all other main fields of research. The omnipresence of Chemistry is apparent in our everyday lives from the electronic devices that we all use to com...View More

Dermatoscopy High Impact Factor Journals

Unique :   Dermatoscopy is an in vivo noninvasive strategy used to analyze pigmented and amelanotic skin injuries. The procedure is performed...View More

Bioprocess Parameters And Their Monitoring Review Articles

There are an enormous number of physical, synthetic and organic boundaries that can be estimated during maturation/bioprocessing (Table 19.6) for information investigation and fitting control. Some exceptional sensors ha...View More

Sleep Apnea Journals

Sleep apnea, adscititiously spelled slumber apnoea, is a slumber disorder where a person has pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during slumber.Each pause can last for a few seconds to a few min...View More

Peer Reviewed Modern Chemistry Journals Database

Peer reviewed modern chemistry journals are of high quality devoted to the publication of original research papers from Chemistry and their broad range of applications. It covers (but not limited to) ...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Trichomonas Tenax

Trichomonas tenax, or oral trichomonas, is a types of Trichomonas generally found in the oral cavity of people. Routine cleanliness is commonly not adequate to dispose of the parasite, consequently its Latin name, signifying "relentless"...View More

Drug Toxicology Open Access Journals

The forensic evaluation of medicine is commonly used to decide if an unknown sample is an illicit drug or now not. Complimentary, toxicology evaluation targets to pick out the presence of an illicit dru...View More

Retinal Ischemia Journals

Acute retinal blood vessel ischemia, counting vascular temporal monocular vision misfortune  and department (BRAO) and central retinal blood vessel occlusions , are visual and systemic crises requiring quick determination and treatment. Rules...View More

Peer Reviewed Modern Chemistry Journals Online

Peer reviewed modern chemistry journals online are of high quality devoted to the publication of original research papers from Chemistry and their broad range of applications. It covers (but not limit...View More

Molecular Pharmaceutics Top Journals List

Atomic Pharmaceutics is a friend looked into logical diary covering research on the sub-atomic unthinking comprehension of medication conveyance and medication conveyance frameworks, including physica...View More

Best Peer Reviewed Modern Chemistry Journals

Best peer reviewed modern chemistry journals are of high quality devoted to the publication of original research papers from Chemistry and their broad range of applications. It covers (but not limited...View More

Drug Toxicology Innovations

The forensic evaluation of medicine is commonly used to decide if an unknown sample is an illicit drug or now not. Complimentary, toxicology evaluation targets to pick out the presence of an illicit dru...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More