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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Top Plant Biochemistry Online Publishing Journals

Plant biochemistry is the study of the biochemistry of autotrophic organisms such as photosynthesis and other plant specific biochemical processes. The plants and higher fungi produce through their me...View More

Human Factors New Findings

In industry, human variables (otherwise called ergonomics) is the investigation of how people carry on truly and mentally comparable to specific conditions, items, or administrations. ... A human comp...View More

Aquaculture Open Access

Aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture, withal kenned as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture ...View More

Machine Uses

A machine is a mechanical structure that utilizations capacity to apply powers and control development to play out a proposed activity. Machines can be driven by creatures and individuals, by regular ...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Sociology - Journals

Sociology also can be defined because the general science of society.  Traditional focuses of sociology include stratification, class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, g...View More

Open Access Articles For New Chemical Entities

Journals can be defined as a compound which is novel and having the potential to be developed into a drug that delivers therapeutic benefit.The open access journals are peer reviewed scholarly journal...View More

Scholarly Open Access Astrophysics Journals

Radio telescopes allow astronomers to study the celestial objects that give off radio waves. With radio astronomy, astronomers study astronomical phenomena that are often invisible or hidden in other ...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Machine Review Journals

A machine is a mechanical structure that utilizations capacity to apply powers and control development to play out a proposed activity. Machines can be driven by creatures and individuals, by regular ...View More

High Impact Plant Biochemistry Journals

Plant normal science is the examination of the characteristic science of autotrophic living things, for instance, photosynthesis and other plant unequivocal biochemical methodology. The plants and hig...View More

Xenotransfusion Scholarly Journal

A 4-month-old female blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) was presented for bilateral pelvic limb fracture repair. Clinical examination under anaesthesia revealed a water-hammer pulse and a haemato...View More

Aquaculture Review Journals

Aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture, withal kenned as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture ...View More

Leadership And Motivational Strategies Research Articles

In business, inspiration is important in offering new ideas for running expanding your company and motivation insures that employees will work hard enough to see your ideas through to success. There are several motivatio...View More

Enzyme Biotechnology Scientific Journals

Compounds are natural impetuses (otherwise called biocatalysts) that accelerate biochemical responses in living life forms, and which can be removed from cells and afterward used to catalyze a wide sc...View More

Environmental Toxicology Journals

Environmental toxicology is a multidisciplinary field of science worried about the investigation of the hurtful impacts of different synthetic, natural and physical operators on living organisms. Ecotoxicology is a subdiscipline of environmental t...View More

Drug Toxicology Top Open Access Journals

The forensic evaluation of medicine is commonly used to decide if an unknown sample is an illicit drug or now not. Complimentary, toxicology evaluation targets to pick out the presence of an illicit dru...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Machine Peer Review Journals

A machine is a mechanical structure that utilizations capacity to apply powers and control development to play out a proposed activity. Machines can be driven by creatures and individuals, by regular powers, for example, wind and water, and by syn...View More

Sociology - Peer-review Journals

Sociology also can be defined because the general science of society.  Traditional focuses of sociology include stratification, class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, g...View More

Mechanical Ventilation

Mechanical ventilation works by applying a positive pressure breath and is dependent on the compliance and resistance of the airway system, which is affected by how much pressure must be generate...View More

Sociology - Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Sociology also can be defined because the general science of society.  Traditional focuses of sociology include stratification, class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, g...View More

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method extensively used to unexpectedly make millions to billions of copies of a particular DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a completely small pattern of DNA and increase it t...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More

Machine Open Access Journals

 A machine is a mechanical structure that utilizations capacity to apply powers and control development to play out a proposed activity. Machines can be driven by creatures and individuals, by re...View More

Enzyme Biotechnology Top Journals

Compounds are natural impetuses (otherwise called biocatalysts) that accelerate biochemical responses in living life forms, and which can be removed from cells and afterward used to catalyze a wide sc...View More

Best Plant Biochemistry Journals

Plant biochemistry is the investigation of the natural chemistry of autotrophic life forms, for example, photosynthesis and other plant explicit biochemical procedures. The plants and higher parasites...View More

Sociology - Top Open Access Journals

Sociology also can be defined because the general science of society.  Traditional focuses of sociology include stratification, class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality, g...View More


Sustainable engineering is the system of designing or operating structures such that they use energy and resources sustainably, in different phrases, at a charge that doesn't compromise the herbal environment, or the ability of future generati...View More


Geo-Engineering or air intervention, by and large insinuated as geoengineering, is the down to earth and gigantic degree intercession inside the Earth's environmental factors system, for the most component with the purpose of diminishing the a...View More