Pedro Pallangyo
Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Research Article
Medication Administration Errors for Patients Admitted at Jakaya Kikwete Car-diac Institute Dar Es Salaam Tanzania
Author(s): Adam Ndamayape*, Pedro Pallangyo, Said Kilindimo, Naizihijwa Majani, Robert Malya and Peter Kisenge
Background: medication administration errors are among the most common type in medication error. They are the most common health threatening mistakes that affect the health and safety of the patient. Such mistakes are considered as a global problem which increases mortality rates, length of hospital stays, and other related costs. Objective: To explore the types, causes and why medication administration errors are not reported. Methods: The present descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 75 nurses randomly selected from Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute working in wards and intensive care units. A four-part questionnaire was used. The first part was on the participant demographic characteristics. The second part consisted of 15 questions on why medication errors occur. The third part consisted of 8 items asking on why medication er.. Read More»