
Journal of Clinical Review & Case Reports(JCRC)

ISSN: 2573-9565 | DOI: 10.33140/JCRC

Impact Factor: 1.823

O. Lahjouji

Department of Radiology and Clinical Imaging, CHU Hassan II, FEZ, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

  • Case Report   
    Cecal Volvulus: Case Series Study
    Author(s): F-Z Lkharrat*, O. Lahjouji, A. Akammar, N. El bouardi, M. Haloua, B. Alami, M. Boubbou, M. Maarouf and M.Y. Alaoui lamrani

    Cecal volvus (CV) is considered to be a rare cause of intestinal obstruction, it occurs when the ascending colon and the terminal ileum are twisted around their mesenteric pedicle, resulting in a closed-loop obstruction, CV counts about 1- 1,5% of all intestinal obstructions [1]. Its clinical features are those of the other forms of intestinal obstruction which make the imaging screening crucial for a prompt diagnosis in order to reduce the high mortality rate due to the intestinal necrosis or perforation [2]. We report a case series of 6 patients who were admitted mostly for abdominal pain and vomiting and for whom radiological investigations confirmed a cecal volvulus which was successfully managed by the surgical teams, no recurrence has been noted so far... Read More»

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