Research Article
Accurate and Fast Model for Single Rotor Double Stator Interior Permanent Magnet Brushless Synchronous Machine with Spoke-Type Structure At No-Load
Centrality Measures to locate the COI of the Mexican Electricity Grid
Electrical Resistivity - Tomography Studies In Determining Shallow Aquifer Potential Zones a Case Study in Different Terrains
GPT-4: A Review on Advancements and Opportunities in Natural Language Processing
Leveraging Mobile Learning Platforms for Flexible Education Delivery: Bridging Educational Gaps in Afghanistan
LC-Score: Reference-less Estimation of Text Comprehension Difficulty
Special Relativity and Absoluteness
On The Analysis of Physical Properties of Thermointerfaces Based on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanostructures for Cooling the Electronic Component Base of Micro-and Nano electronics
On The Errors of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
Optimizing Performance in Basketball: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Shot Percentage Distribution in a Team
Super weak Electromagnetic Radiation in Bio and Inorganic Systems
Wheeled Robot Formation Control under Uncertainty Including Adaptive Rejection of Harmonic Disturbances with Arbitrary Frequencies