Review Article
Neuro-Camouflaging is an Indicator of Human Camouflage, an Assumption of Brain Engineering for Self-protection against Criminal Attacking
Research Article
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Various Additives in Physical & Me-chanical Properties of PVC Compound
Studying the Infrared Spectroscopy of Compounds Fluoride That Blotched by in
Analysis of Nonlocality, Surface Energy, and Initial Stress Effects on the Dynamic Behaviour of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Resting on Elastic Foundations in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment using Variation of Parameter Method
Analysis of Nonlocality, Surface Energy, and Initial Stress on the Dynamic Behaviour of Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Resting on Elastic Foundations in a Thermo-Magnetic Environment using Variation of Parameter Method
Literature Review on Costing Strategies of Radar System Remanufacturing