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Scientific Words in Nursing & Health Care

Nursing and health care focus on all aspects of patient care. Therefore, it is also crucial to take care of families and communities and ensure that they acquire/maintain/recover optimal health and achieve a better quality of life. From ensuring that patients receive the most accurate diagnoses and treatments to educating the public about crucial health issues such as immunization schedules, personal and community hygiene, and population-specific therapeutic practices, health professionals, such as nurses, are essential to safeguard public health. . Therefore, research and development in the field of contemporary nursing and health care will contribute to raising the level of health of entire populations.
Nursing & Health Care

Thyroid Top Access Journals

Thyroid issue are conditions that influence the thyroid organ, a butterfly-molded organ in the front of the neck. The thyroid has significant jobs to manage various metabolic procedures all through the body. Various sorts of thyroid issue influenc...View More

Chronic Pain Treatment Top Open Access Journals

Chronic pain is any pain that lasts for more than three months. Chronic pain may arise from an initial injury, such as a back sprain, or there may be an ongoing cause, such as illness. Other health problems, such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, dec...View More

Clinical Trials Open Access

  Clinical frameworks are starters or perceptions done in clinical research. Such expected biomedical or social research turns human people are proposed to respond to unequivocal referencing concerning biomedical or lead interventio...View More


Business is otherwise called firm or endeavor, firm is an association which engages in exchanging of merchandise benefits or even both to the customers. The vast majority of the organizations are excl...View More

Central Obesity Peer-review Journals

Central obesity peer-review journals Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measu...View More

Geriatric Medicine Top Open Access Journals

Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes wide variety of information in areas of clinical, preventative, curative and social aspects of illness in old age. The main object...View More

Geriatric Medicine Impact Factor

Journal of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes wide variety of information in areas of clinical, preventative, curative and social aspects of illness in old age. The main object...View More

Clinical Toxicology Scientific Journals

The Journal of Clinical Toxicology (JCT) is a Scholarly Open Access journal that deals with the study of xenobiotics and alsostudy toxic effects of agents (drugs) whose purpose is to ameliorate or pre...View More

Analytical Techniques Journals And Articles

Diary of Analytical Techniques and Research is an open access, peer surveyed semiannual diary distribute articles identified with the consistently extending most recent research on expository procedures. A portion of the...View More

Microemulsion Scholarly Journal

These are a thermodynamically steady, isotropic fluid blend of oil, water and surfactant. For the most part the fluid blend comprises of salt or different substances and the oil part contains hydrocar...View More

Philosophy Of Accounting

The philosophy of accounting encompasses the general rules, concepts, and ideas surrounding the preparation and auditing of the accounts and financial statements of individuals or companies....View More

Cerebral Thrombosis

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) happens when a blood coagulation frames in the cerebrum's venous sinuses. This keeps blood from depleting out of the mind. Subsequently, platelets may break and hole blood into...View More

Public Administration

Public administration is the usage of government strategy and furthermore a scholarly order that reviews this execution and gets ready government workers for working in the public service. As a "field of request with a different degree" ...View More

Hospice Care Top Journals

Hospice and palliative care are two distinct, but interconnected, clinical populations with whom music therapists work. In the strictest sense of the terms, hospice care is a philosophy of care, whereas palliative car...View More

Hospice Care Scientific Journals

Hospice care includes palliative and supportive services that provide physical, psychological, social, and spiritual care for dying persons and their families. Hospice care is end-of-life care. A team of health care professionals and vol...View More


Biostatistics are the turn of events and use of measurable strategies to a wide scope of points in science. It incorporates the structure of organic investigations, the assortment and examination of i...View More

Hospice Care Impact Factor

Hospice care is end-of-life care. A team of health care professionals and volunteers provides it. They give medical, psychological, and spiritual support. The goal of the care is to help people who are dying have peace, comfort, and dignity. The c...View More

Hospice Care Top Open Access Journals

Hospice care is a type of health care that focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill patient's pain and symptoms and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs at the end of life. Hospice care is end-of-life care. A team of heal...View More

Human Factors Group Journals

Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society publishes peer-reviewed scientific research in human factors/ergonomics that gift theoretical and realistic advances concerning the relationship between humans and technology, ...View More

Environmental Innovations

The common habitat incorporates all living and non-living things happening normally, which means for this situation not fake. The term is frequently applied to the Earth or a few pieces of Earth. This...View More

Human Factors Group Journals List

Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society publishes peer-reviewed scientific research in human factors/ergonomics that gift theoretical and realistic advances concerning the relationship between humans and technology, ...View More

Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography

A automatic tomography (CT) coronary angiogram is an imaging take a look at that appears at the arteries that deliver blood on your coronary heart. It might be performed to diagnose the reason of chest ...View More

International Human Factors Journals

Human elements and ergonomics (HF&E) is a multifaceted field integrating contributions from psychology, engineering, biomechanics, mechanobiology, commercial layout, physiology and anthropometry. In crux, it includes the examine of designing s...View More

Biochemical Medicine High Impact Factor Journals

It is the methodology of use of the gadgets and contemplations of science to living structures. It joins the appraisal of morphology, physical properties, instruments, blend rule, centrality use, and nuclear clarification of biological particles. ...View More

Cosmetic Dermatology Review Article

Journal of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology (ISSN 2576-2826 ) is an open access, peer reviewed journal of Sci Forschen, which publishes high quality research articles in the interdisciplinary fields of cosmetic science ...View More

Blood And Lymph Open Access Journals

Blood is the main liquid connective tissue present in our body and assumes a critical job in shipping a wide assortment of substances to various pieces of the body. The fundamental segments of blood i...View More

Free Human Factors Journals

The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society publishes peer-reviewed scientific research in human factors/ergonomics that gift theoretical and practical advances concerning the relationship among people and era, tools, environments, and...View More

Hematic System Impact Factor

A hematinic is a supplement required for the arrangement of platelets during the time spent hematopoiesis. The primary hematinics are iron, B12, and folate. Deficiency in hematinics can prompt frailty...View More

Review Articles In Diabetes

Review articles in diabetes was the province of white-coated chemistry Ph.D.s with a secret language all their own. Terms like ion trap and post-source decay, mass-to-charge, and MALDI made the field inaccessible to othe...View More

Blood And Lymph Journals

Blood is the main liquid connective tissue present in our body and assumes a critical job in shipping a wide assortment of substances to various pieces of the body. The fundamental segments of blood i...View More