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Scientific Words in Nursing & Health Care

Nursing and health care focus on all aspects of patient care. Therefore, it is also crucial to take care of families and communities and ensure that they acquire/maintain/recover optimal health and achieve a better quality of life. From ensuring that patients receive the most accurate diagnoses and treatments to educating the public about crucial health issues such as immunization schedules, personal and community hygiene, and population-specific therapeutic practices, health professionals, such as nurses, are essential to safeguard public health. . Therefore, research and development in the field of contemporary nursing and health care will contribute to raising the level of health of entire populations.
Nursing & Health Care

Nutrition In Pregnancy Peer-review Journals

Your body experiences various physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The manner in which you sustain your body during this time will influence your wellbeing and your baby's. You should ...View More

Preoperative Assessment Open Access Journals

As bloodless surgery becomes increasingly mainstream, we can aspire to see this level of coordinated patient care take root and influence preoperative care more broadly as bloodless procedures evolve in such diverse fields. Patients who canno...View More

Preoperative Assessment Innovations

Bloodless surgery is a relatively new discipline within perioperative care with the intent of safely avoiding transfusion while maintaining acceptable patient outcomes. Patients who cannot be transfused for medical or religious reasons pr...View More

Preoperative Assessment Online Journals

Patients who cannot be transfused for medical or religious reasons present unique management challenges in the setting of high anticipated intraoperative blood loss.  Patients who cannot be transfused for medical or religious reasons present ...View More

High-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder In Youth

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), comprised of autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, is a chronic and debilitating neuropsychiatric disorder affecting a...View More

Spinal Bifida Peer Review Journals

Spina bifida is a birth defect in which there is incomplete closing of the spine and the membranes around the spinal cord during early development in pregnancy. There are three main types: spina bifid...View More

Preoperative Assessment Review Articles

The aims of preoperative assessment are to reduce the risks associated with surgery and anaesthesia, to increase the quality (thus decreasing the cost) of peroperative care, to restore the patient to the desired level of function, and to...View More

Preoperative Assessment Open Access Articles

Review articles are the summary of current state of understanding on a particular research topic.They then compare the results presented in these papers. Literature reviews, by contrast, provide a summary of what the authors believe are the best a...View More

Open Access Political Organization Journals

Political organizations, like political parties, interest groups, social movements, non-profit and civil society organizations. While these particular sorts of organizations share fundamental communalities and challenges, like the necessity to int...View More

Spinal Cord Compression

Malignant spinal cord compression (MSCC) is one of the most devastating complications of cancer. Patients often present with a history of progressive pain, paralysis, sensory loss, progressive spinal deformity, and loss of sphincter control. It is...View More

Respiratory Tract Infection

Respiratory infections represent the third most frequent health problem for international travelers. The incidence is underestimated mainly because the majority of infections are mild and not inc...View More

Political Organization Innovations

Political organizations, like political parties, interest groups, social movements, non-profit and civil society organizations. While these particular sorts of organizations share fundamental communalities and challenges, like the necessity to int...View More

Global Surveillence

Global mass surveillance refers to the mass surveillance of whole populations across national borders. Its roots can be traced back to the middle of the twentieth century when the UK, USA Agreement wa...View More

Xenobiotic Toxicity Peer Review Journals

Xenobiotics as the name implies “strangers” are aggravates that are unfamiliar to the human body. Xenobiotic mixes incorporate normal just as engineered mixes, for ex...View More

Online Political Organization Journals

The online political organization journals are peer reviewed scholarly Journals of Political Sciences & Public Affairs. The online political organization journals are freely available on the public internet domain, allowing any end users to re...View More

Overweight In Medical Students

Obesity is a complex multifactorial chronic disease that develops from an interaction of social, behavioral, culture, psychological, metabolic and genetic factors. The condition of obesity is chronic,...View More

Political Organization Review Articles

Political organizations, like political parties, interest groups, social movements, non-profit and civil society organizations. While these particular sorts of organizations share fundamental communalities and challenges, like the necessity to int...View More

Adolescent Trauma Peer-review Journals

A traumatic experience is any event in life that causes a threat to our safety and potentially places our own life or the lives of others at risk. As a result, a person experiences high levels of emotional, psychological, and physical distress tha...View More

Nutrition In Pregnancy High Impact Factor Journals

Your body experiences various physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The manner in which you sustain your body during this time will influence your wellbeing and your baby's. You should eat a restorative, adjusted eating routine to he...View More

Open Access Political Organization Articles

Political organizations, like political parties, interest groups, social movements, non-profit and civil society organizations. While these particular sorts of organizations share fundamental communalities and challenges, like the necessity to int...View More

Angiology Journal Impact Factor

Blood vessel sicknesses incorporate the aorta (aneurysms/analyzation) and veins providing the legs, hands, kidneys, cerebrum, digestion tracts. It likewise covers blood vessel apoplexy and embolism; vasculitides; and vas...View More

Apoptosis Peer-review Journals

Apoptosis is a type of customized cell passing that happens in multicellular organisms.Biochemical occasions lead to trademark cell changes (morphology) and demise. These progressions incorporate bleb...View More

Cataract Surgery Journals

Cataract, likewise called focal point substitution medical procedure, is the evacuation of the regular focal point of the eye (additionally called "crystalline focal point") that has built up an opacification, ...View More

Neuroimaging Journals

Neuroimaging or mind imaging is the utilization of different strategies to either legitimately or by implication picture the structure, capacity, or pharmacology of the sensory system. It is a general...View More

Marketing -journals

Marketing is the combination of all the activities of a company that are associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling, delivering products to people. It is a management process through which goods and s...View More

Apoptosis Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Apoptosis is a type of customized cell passing that happens in multicellular organisms.Biochemical occasions lead to trademark cell changes (morphology) and demise. These progressions incorporate bleb...View More

Marketing -peer-review -journals

Marketing is the combination of all the activities of a company that are associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling, delivering products to people. It is a management process through which goods and s...View More

Lung Diseases

Chronic degenerative lung diseases are recognized as untreatable pathological diseases, significantly affecting both life span and life quality of human-beings. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (...View More

Military Health Care

Medical and dental expenses and insurance costs are a priority for several people, but what does one get if you join the military? If the recruiter promises free health look afterlife, it isn't the entire truth. Up until the mid-1980s, recruit...View More

Apoptosis Impact Factor

Apoptosis is a type of customized cell passing that happens in multicellular organisms.Biochemical occasions lead to trademark cell changes (morphology) and demise. These progressions incorporate bleb...View More