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Scientific Words in Nursing & Health Care

Nursing and health care focus on all aspects of patient care. Therefore, it is also crucial to take care of families and communities and ensure that they acquire/maintain/recover optimal health and achieve a better quality of life. From ensuring that patients receive the most accurate diagnoses and treatments to educating the public about crucial health issues such as immunization schedules, personal and community hygiene, and population-specific therapeutic practices, health professionals, such as nurses, are essential to safeguard public health. . Therefore, research and development in the field of contemporary nursing and health care will contribute to raising the level of health of entire populations.
Nursing & Health Care

Antibiotics Acting On The Ribosome

Ribosomes are macromolecular machines, found within all living cells, that perform biological protein synthesis (mRNA translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by the co...View More

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular diseaseh (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a ...View More

Trade Mark Related-peer-review-journals

A trademark (additionally composed exchange imprint or exchange mark is a sort of licensed innovation comprising of an unmistakable sign, structure, or articulation which distinguishes items or admini...View More

Astronomical Object-top Journals

Space science (from Greek: á¼€στρονομία) is a characteristic science that reviews divine articles and marvels. It utilizes arithmetic, material science...View More

Best Copyrights Journals

Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a Peer-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article. Together, journal articles in a particular field are often referred to as The Litera...View More


Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a Peer-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article. Together, journal articles in a particular field are often referred to as The Litera...View More


Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a Peer-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article. Together, journal articles in a particular field are often referred to as The Litera...View More

Patent Law Group Journals

A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of years in exchange for publishing an enabling public disclosure of the invention....View More

Patent Law-articles

A trademark (additionally composed exchange imprint or exchange mark is a sort of licensed innovation comprising of an unmistakable sign, structure, or articulation which distinguishes items or administrations of a speci...View More

Patent Law-top-journals

Patent law is the part of protected innovation law that manages new creations. Conventional licenses secure substantial logical innovations, for example, circuit sheets, motors, warming curls, or zippers. Be that as it m...View More

Family Care Givers

Family parental figures (otherwise called “carers”) are “relatives, companions, or neighbors  who give help identified with a fundamental physic...View More

Political Economy

The new political economy approach does not treat a political ideology as a framework that must be analyzed. Rather, it is studied as a set of actions and beliefs. It seeks to make explicit assumptions that lead to politic...View More

Healthcare Reform

Health care coverage is an approach to pay for wellbeing care.1 It shields you from paying the full expenses of clinical administrations when you're harmed or wiped out. Much the same as vehicle protection or home protection, you pick an arran...View More

Osteochondral Fracture: Top Open Access Journals

Medical diagnosis is the process of determining which disease or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as diagnosis with the medical context being implicit. The information re...View More

Migrainous Women Scholarly Journal

Headache is one of the main genuine medical issues influencing ladies. Ladies experience headache uniquely in contrast to men. Ladies report rambling agony (regularly for a more drawn out length) and ...View More

Preterm Birth Online Journals

A birth that happens before the 37th seven day stretch of pregnancy. A pregnancy typically keeps going around 40 weeks. Some hazard factors for an untimely birth incorporate having a past untimely bir...View More

Migrainous Women Research Articles

Headache is one of the main genuine medical issues influencing ladies. Ladies experience headache uniquely in contrast to men. Ladies report rambling agony (regularly for a more drawn out length) and ...View More

Nulliparity Journals

Nulliparous is the clinical term for a lady who has never conceived an offspring either by decision or for some other explanation. This term additionally applies to ladies who have brought forth a sti...View More

Nulliparity Impact Factor

Nulliparous is the clinical term for a lady who has never conceived an offspring either by decision or for some other explanation. This term additionally applies to ladies who have brought forth a sti...View More

Migrainous Women Journals

Headache is one of the main genuine medical issues influencing ladies. Ladies experience headache uniquely in contrast to men. Ladies report rambling agony (regularly for a more drawn out length) and ...View More

Family Planning Scholarly Journal

Family arranging is once in a while utilized as an equivalent word or doublespeak for access to and the utilization of contraception. In any case, it regularly includes techniques and practices notwit...View More

Anaerobic Digestion Open Access Articles

Anaerobic digestion (AD) may be a naturally-occurring organic process in soils, sediments, ruminants, and a number of {other|and several other} other hypoxia environments, that cycles carbon and alter...View More

Wastewater Treatment High Impact Factor Journals

Wastewater Treatment could also be however of combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to induce obviate solids, organic matter and, sometimes, nutrients from effluen...View More

Wastewater Treatment Research Articles

Wastewater Treatment may be how of combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to induce obviate solids, organic matter and, sometimes, nutrients from effluent.The princ...View More

Wastewater Treatment Top Journals

Wastewater Treatment might be a way of combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to induce obviate solids, organic matter and, sometimes, nutrients from effluent.The p...View More

Wastewater Treatment Scientific Journals

Wastewater Treatment could be a method of combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes and operations to get rid of solids, organic matter and, sometimes, nutrients from effluent.The pr...View More

Water Quality Top Open Access Journals

Water quality refers to need care of high of the vary water through property treatment and effective water distribution systems. to observe for being contaminants most municipal water utilities trust ...View More

Water Quality Impact Factor

Water quality refers to need care of high of the vary water through property treatment and effective water distribution systems. to observe for being contaminants most municipal water utilities trust ...View More

Water Quality Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Water quality refers to require care of top of the range water through property treatment and effective water distribution systems. to watch for being contaminants most municipal water utilities trust...View More

Water Quality Journals

Water quality refers to take care of prime quality water through property treatment and effective water distribution systems. to observe for microorganism contaminants most municipal water utilities t...View More