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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences


Embryonic development, also embryogenesis, is the process by which the embryo forms and develops. In mammals, the term refers chiefly to early stages of prenatal development, whereas the terms fetus and fetal development describe later stages...View More

Transgenesis Images Peer-review Journals

A Gene that codes for an alluring attribute or protein should initially be distinguished . Analysts may recognize alluring characteristics in different species and attempt to distingui...View More

Breast Carcinogenesis Innovations

Breast Cancer is malignancy that creates from bosom tissue. Signs of bosom disease may remember a bump for the bosom, an adjustment fit as a fiddle, dimpling of the skin, liquid originating from the areola, a recently up...View More

Bacteriology Scholarly Journal

Bacteriology is the branch and specialty of biology that studies the morphology, ecology, genetics and biochemistry of bacteria as well as many other aspects related to them. This subdivision of microbiology involves the...View More

Health Professionals

Essential Health Care, or PHC alludes to fundamental medicinal services; that depends on logically stable and socially adequate techniques and innovation. This makes all inclusive medicinal services open to all people and families in a network. It...View More

Transgenesis Images Journals

A Gene that codes for an alluring attribute or protein should initially be distinguished . Analysts may recognize alluring characteristics in different species and attempt to distingui...View More


Robotic surgery could be a methodology to perform surgery exploitation terribly little tools hooked up to a robotic arm. The physician controls the robotic arm with a pc. Robotic surgery, or robot-assisted surgery, allows doctors to perf...View More

Dialysis Articles

In medicine, dialysis (from Greek διάλυσις, Dialysis, "dissolution"; from διά, dia, "through", and λύσις,&nb...View More


A tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the body, usually facilitated by a lack of apoptosis (natural cell death), therefore allowing for uncontrolled growth of unwanted or damaged cells. Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous, usually harmless...View More

Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder. Signs and symptoms vary, but may include blood clots, miscarriage, rash, chronic headaches, dementia , and seizures . APS occurs when your body's immune system makes antibodi...View More

Environmental Biotechnology Peer-review Journals

Contamination of the Environment plays a key role in the transmission of some pathogens that cause healthcare-associated infection. This article is the first in a three-part series looking at cleaning and disinfection in...View More

Lymphoma Research

Lymphoma is a gathering of blood malignant growths that create from lymphocytes (a kind of white blood cell).The name frequently alludes to simply the carcinogenic forms instead of all such tumors.Sig...View More

Cell Signaling Scholarly Journal

Cell signaling is a process through which living cells interact with the cellular environment and neighbouring cells. Cells contain Glycoproteins or Glycolipids as receptors on their plasma membrane w...View More


Neurogenetics presents research that contributes to better understanding of the genetic basis of normal and abnormal function of the nervous system. The journal publishes findings in humans and other organisms that help explain neurological d...View More

Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a gathering of blood malignant growths that create from lymphocytes (a kind of white blood cell).The name frequently alludes to simply the carcinogenic forms instead of all such tumors.Sig...View More

Pulmonary Disease

Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions in the world. Tens of millions of people have lung disease in the U.S. alone. Smoking, infections, and genes cause most lung diseases. Lung...View More

Immunoglobulin Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells (white blood cells). They act as a critical part of the immune response by specifically recognizing and binding to particular antigens, such as bacteria...View More

Food Microbiology

Food microbiology is the study of the microorganisms that inhibit, create, or contaminate food. This includes the study of microorganisms causing food spoilage; as well as, pathogens that may cause disease especially if food is improperly cooked o...View More

Cardiovascular Diseases Peer-review Journal

ACardiovascular Disorder is a class of illnesses that include the heart or blood vessels. CVD incorporates coronary supply route sicknesses (CAD, for example, angina and myocardial localized necrosis (normally known as a...View More

Immunoglobulin Journals

Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are glycoprotein molecules produced by plasma cells (white blood cells). They act as a critical part of the immune response by specifically recognizing and binding to particular antigens, such as bacteria...View More

Pharmacology Scientific Journals

Pharmacology is a part of medication and pharmaceutical sciences which is worried about the investigation of medication or medicine action, where a medication can be comprehensively or...View More

Ketamine Top Open Access Journals

Ketamine is a medication utilized for the enlistment and support of general sedation, for the most part in mix with a narcotic. Ketamine as a pain relieving has demonstrated to be of some impact in patients with serious ...View More

Breast Carcinogenesis Open Access Journals

Breast Cancer is malignancy that creates from bosom tissue. Signs of bosom disease may remember a bump for the bosom, an adjustment fit as a fiddle, dimpling of the skin, liquid originating from the areola, a recently up...View More

Trigger Finger And Thumb

Trigger finger and thumb release for trigger finger is called “tenolysis” or “trigger finger release.” The goal of the procedure is to release the A1 pulley that is blocking te...View More

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Peer-review Journals

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which a person feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions"), or has certain thoughts repeatedly (called "obsessions&quo...View More

Haemoglobin Journals

Hemoglobin in blood conveys oxygen from the lungs or gills to the remainder of the body . There it discharges the oxygen to allow vigorous breath to give vitality to control the elements of the creature in the process ca...View More

Scholarly Journals On Disease Prevention

Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies is one of the best open access journals on transplantation. All the submitted papers undergo rigorous peer-review process which provides high quality a...View More

Oral Bioavailability Open Access Journals

pharmacology, bioavailability is a subcategory of assimilation and is the division (%) of a managed medicate that arrives at the foundational flow. By definition, when a prescription is controlled intravenously, its bioa...View More

Myopia Top Journals

  Various myeloma (MM), otherwise called plasma cell myeloma and basic myeloma, is a disease of plasma cells, a kind of white platelet that typically creates antibodies. Often, n...View More

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Journals

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which a person feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions"), or has certain thoughts repeatedly (called "obsessions"). The p...View More