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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences


Public economics is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. At its most basic level, public economics provides a framework for thinking abou...View More

List Of Diabetic Foot Care Journals

113 Diabetes can be risky to your feet even a little cut can create genuine results. Diabetes may cause nerve harm that removes the inclination in your feet. Diabetes may likewise lessen blood stream to the feet, making it harder to mend a physica...View More


Public economics is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. At its most basic level, public economics provides a framework for thinking abou...View More


Public economics (or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. Public economics bu...View More


Public economics is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. At its most basic level, public economics provides a framework for thinking abou...View More


Public economics (or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. Public economics bu...View More

Uveitis Treatment Innovations

Uveitis is a heterogeneous collection of diseases with polygenic and environmental influences. This heterogeneity presents challenges in trial design and selection of end points. Despite the multitude...View More

Military Science Open Access Articles

Biocatalysts is the chemical process through which enzymes or other biological catalysts perform reactions between organic components. Biocatalysts has been used widely in the pharmaceutical industry to make small molecule drugs. Enzymes are excel...View More

Geostatistics Review Journals

Geostatistics is a class of statistics used to analyze and presage the values associated with spatial or spatiotemporal phenomena. It incorporates the spatial (and in some cases temporal) coordinates of the data within t...View More

Geostatistics Impact Factor

Geographic Information Technology, Geography Studies, Geostatistics and Geocomputation, Geo visualization, Geo-spatial Astuteness. Geostatistics journals publishes applied earth science analysis assoc...View More

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Proteomics primarily could be a subdiscipline of functional genomics that measures the qualitative and quantitative changes in protein content of a cell or tissue in response to treatment or disease a...View More

Top Best Pediatric Oncology Journals

Top best paediatric oncology journals Childhood cancer is cancer in a child. In the United States, an arbitrarily adopted standard of the ages used are 0–14 years inclusive, that is, up to 14 ye...View More

Atherosclerotic Lesion

Atherosclerosis, a disease of the large arteries, is the primary cause of heart disease and stroke. In westernized societies, it is the underlying cause of about 50% of all deaths. Epidemiological studies have revealed several important environmen...View More


Public health is an interdisciplinary field. For example, epidemiology, biostatistics, social sciences and management of health services are all relevant. Other important subfields...View More

Geostatistics Open Access Journals

Geostatistics is a class of statistics used to analyze and soothsay the values associated with spatial or spatiotemporal phenomena. It incorporates the spatial coordinates of the data within the analyses. The topics that...View More

Space-research Top Open Access Journals

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can damage a wide variety of body systems, including...View More


Public health has been defined as "the science and art of preventing disease”, prolonging life and improving quality of life through organized efforts and informe...View More


Public health is an interdisciplinary field. For example, epidemiology, biostatistics, social sciences and management of health services are al...View More


Public health has been defined as "the science and art of preventing disease”, prolonging life and improving quality of life through organized efforts and informe...View More

Military Science High Impact Journals

Biocatalysis has been used widely in the pharmaceutical industry to make small molecule drugs. Enzymes are excellent catalysts that are increasingly being used in industry and academia. It is focused mainly at synthetic ...View More


Public health has been defined as "the science and art of preventing disease”, prolonging life and improving quality of life through organized efforts and informe...View More

Clinical Trial Review Articles

A clinical study involves research using human volunteers (also called participants) that is intended to add to medical knowledge. There are two main types of clinical studies: clinical trials (also c...View More

Astronomy Impact Factor

Humans have long gazed toward the heavens, searching to put meaning and order to the universe around them. Although the movement of constellations — patterns imprinted on the night sky — w...View More


The methods used to identify someone from a skeleton is based at the beyond contributions of anthropologists and the take a look at of human skeletons. Through the gathering of specimens and the evaluation within a population, estimations may be m...View More

Metabolomics Scientific Journals

Metabolomics is a collection of powerful tools for the analysis of phenotype, both by hypothesis generation and by hypothesis testing. Building on the strengths of the omics technologies that came bef...View More

Free Peer Reviewed Pharmacoproteomics Journals

Pharmacoproteomics is a rapidly advancing field in which the techniques of proteomics are applied to develop pharmaceutical agents. The word itself was coined only in 1997. However, this branch of stu...View More

Climate Change Open Access

Ecumenical weather exchange has already had overt consequences on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, frozen dihydrogen monoxide on rivers and lakes is breaking apart earlier, plant and animal rang...View More


111  Normative by and large methods identifying with an evaluative norm. Normativity is the wonder in human social orders of assigning a few activities or results as great or alluring or reasonab...View More

Cosmology Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Cosmology (the study of the physical universe) is a science that, due to both theoretical and observational developments, has made enormous strides in the past 100 years. It began as a branch of theor...View More

Visual Impairment Top Journals

110 The meaning of vision impairment by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a visually hindered individual's vision can't be amended to a "typical level". It might be said that visual impairment is the utili...View More