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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Protein Sequencing Articles Review Articles

Protein particles are auxiliary and utilitarian segment of a cell domain. Estimation of the amount of proteins has been a normal procedure in academic network and scholastics. Sequencing of proteins revealed the puzzles ...View More

Leading Journals On Pancreas

The pancreas is an organ about the size of a hand situated in the midsection in the region of the stomach, digestion tracts, and different organs. A pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that includes implanting a h...View More

Molecular Diversity Of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) stays a lethal irresistible infection, influencing a large number of individuals around the world. In spite of the fact that it is a worldwide pandemic, TB prevalently influences populaces in asset poor nations, where 98% of all ...View More

Indexed Journals On Pancreas

The pancreas is an organ about the size of a hand situated in the midsection in the region of the stomach, digestion tracts, and different organs. A pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that includes implanting a h...View More

Drug Susceptibility Patterns Of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) stays a lethal irresistible infection, influencing a large number of individuals around the world. In spite of the fact that it is a worldwide pandemic, TB prevalently influences populaces in asset poor nations, where 98% of all ...View More

Metabolic Changes

Metabolism could be a term that's accustomed describe all chemical reactions concerned in  permit the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to changes within the cell's Living organisms area unit distinctive therein they will e...View More

Protein Sequencing Articles Open Access Articles

These articles basically include matter related to protein sequencing. Sequencing is of many types and they are DNA sequencing, RNA sequencing, protein sequencing, etc. but in this article only reports or information rel...View More

Top Journal On Pancreas Transplantation

The pancreas is an organ about the size of a hand situated in the midsection in the region of the stomach, digestion tracts, and different organs. A pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that includes implanting a h...View More

Yoga Therapy Journals

The International Journal of Yoga Therapy (IJYT) is a peer-reviewed journal serving yoga therapists, yoga teachers, yoga practitioners, yoga researchers, and healthcare professionals. We publish scholarly, academically s...View More

Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis

Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a type of tuberculosis (TB) contamination brought about by microscopic organisms that are impervious to treatment with at any rate two of the most remarkable first-line hostile to TB prescriptions (dru...View More

Review Articles On Pancreas Transplantation

The pancreas is an organ about the size of a hand situated in the midsection in the region of the stomach, digestion tracts, and different organs. A pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that includes implanting a h...View More

Sequencing Articles High Impact Factor Journals

Cutting edge sequencing advances have changed genomics and modified the logical distribution scene. Life-science diaries teem with genome papers—peer-evaluated portrayals of recently sequenced chromosomes. In spite...View More

Peer-reviewed Journals On Pancreas Transplantation

The pancreas is an organ about the size of a hand situated in the midsection in the region of the stomach, digestion tracts, and different organs. A pancreas transplant is an organ transplant that includes implanting a h...View More

Mycobacterial Human Diseases

Scattered tuberculosis, otherwise called far reaching tuberculosis, is an infectious disease wherein a tuberculosis contamination has spread from the lungs to different pieces of the body, with numerous organs influenced. Spread tuberculosis can h...View More

Yoga Therapy Peer-review Journals

Yoga is the practice of attaining physical and mental health through meditation and physical exercise. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy combines the principles and practices of yoga with physical therapies to achie...View More

Sequencing Articles Research Articles

This journal contains information regarding genome sequencing. Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome. Articles or research papers which are significant to genome sequencing...View More

Lipid Quality Journal

  Lipids represent a serious part of food and vital structural and practical constituents of cells in biological systems. The aim of this special issue is to supply a representation of the new analytical and qualitative aspects rega...View More

Sequencing Articles Top Journals

The articles that include information regarding sequencing and its uses are known as sequencing articles. Basically these articles include technology that is used in sequencing. The basic components of the procedure, mat...View More

Yoga Therapy Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Yoga is the practice of attaining physical and mental health through meditation and physical exercise. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy combines the principles and practices of yoga with physical therapies to achie...View More

Lipid Online Journal

Lipids area unit usually loosely, and poorly, outlined as biomolecules that area unit insoluble in water however soluble in organic solvents. they're structurally quite numerous, covering pigments, vitamins, fatty ac...View More


Gigantism (Greek γίγας, gígas, "goliath", plural γίγαντες, gígantes), otherwise called giantism, is a condition described by over the top development an...View More

Bonobo Behaviour Journals

Creature models of remuneration handling have uncovered a broad system of mind zones that procedure various parts of remuneration, from desire and expectation to count of relative worth. These outcome...View More

Burnout Syndrome

Since injury contrasts between people, as indicated by their abstract encounters, individuals will respond to comparable horrendous accidents in an unexpected way. At the end of the day, not all individuals who experience a conceivably horrendous ...View More

Sequencing Articles Scholarly Journal

Next-generation sequencing is defined as a process where DNA strands are sequenced parallel and substantially minimize need for the fragment cloning which are used in sanger sequencing of genome. There are different tech...View More

Toxin Innovations

Poison is a harmful substance or protein delivered by living being which causes ailment when they interact with body tissues. Poisons can be side-effects of metabolic exercises. A portion of the normal poisons are bacter...View More

Eating Disorders Review Articles

Comorbidity between dietary issues and nervousness issue all the more by and large has been examined, reliably finding that they as often as possible cooccur [13–16]. Swinbourne and Touyz [13] f...View More

Yoga Therapy Impact Factor

Yoga Practice and Therapy is an Open access, multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal which aims to publish the innovative approaches of physical exercises and meditation around the globe. The journal offers expertise ove...View More

Translational Medicine Open Access

Mediastinal tumors in children contain a heterogeneous group of lesions and information of the exact area of the tumor within the mediastinum facilitates the prognosis. A contemporary CTbased definition of mediastinal cu...View More

Aging Population Top Open Access Journals

The populations of many regions are rapidly growing older. The process of population aging is a major success story, which began unfolding only at the end of the twentieth century. Demographers define...View More

Peer-reviewed Pediatrics Articles

Pediatrics (additionally spelled pediatrics or pædiatrics) is the part of medication that includes the clinical consideration of newborn children, youngsters, and youths. The American Academy of...View More