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Scientific Words in Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences are concerned with establishing the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases. Contemporary medicine takes a multidisciplinary approach by employing a combination of medical technology, biomedical sciences, and genetics to diagnose and treat disease, either through pharmaceuticals or through surgery. Advances in medical science have been responsible for containing infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, polio, smallpox etc. It has been one of the major factors responsible for the increase in life expectancy. Today, complicated procedures such as heart transplants, brain surgeries, in vitro fertilization, artificial limbs and CRISPR-based gene editing in embryos are made possible by the great strides being made in this field.
Medical Sciences

Mumps Infections Research Articles

Mumps infections research articles are most often Primary Research Articles. These types of articles have different aims and requirements. Sometimes, an article describes a new tool or method. Mumps may be a virus infection that primarily affects ...View More

Radiation Therapy Accidents

Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses beams of intense energy to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy most often uses X-rays, but protons or other types of energy also can be used. The term "radiation therapy&quo...View More

Homeopathy Current Reviews Online Journals

Homeopathy has become the focus of increasing interest and use as a complementary and alternative treatment for both human and animal disease. However, from the point of view of academic medicine, this type of therapy is controversial. The use of ...View More

Sport And Exercise Medicine Open Access Articles

Sports medication is a part of medication that manages physical wellness and the treatment and counteraction of wounds identified with sports and exercise. Albeit most games groups have utilized group...View More

Nanomedicine Peer-reviewed Journals

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology s...View More

Student Employee Injuries

The purpose of this study was to characterize occupational injuries among university and college student employees. Participants: Undergraduate and graduate students employed at a large university who filed a workers’ compensation ...View More

Mumps Infections Top Journals

Mumps may be a virus infection that primarily affects saliva-producing (salivary) glands that are located near your ears. Mumps can cause swelling in one or both of those glands. Mumps was common within the us until mumps vaccination became routin...View More

Rotator Cuff Repair

Rotator cuff repair is surgery to repair a torn tendon in the shoulder. The procedure can be done with a large (open) incision or with shoulder arthroscopy, which uses smaller incisions. A rotator cuff tear is an injury of one or more of the ...View More

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into two main categories: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive ...View More

Juvenile Fire Setters News Impact Factor

About one in every four fires is intentionally set -- and almost half of these fires were set by youth under the age of 16.Arson is a serious crime. It injures and kills people, destroys properties, a...View More

Diabetes And Pulmonary Tuberculosis        

The connection between diabetes and Pulmonary tuberculosis has pulled in light of a legitimate concern for some clinicians and agents for quite a while. Numerous examinations have demonstrated that the commonness of...View More

Sport And Exercise Medicine High Impact Factor Journals

Sports medication is a part of medication that manages physical wellness and the treatment and counteraction of wounds identified with sports and exercise. Albeit most games groups have utilized group...View More

Xenobiotic Toxicity Innovations

Xenobiotics as the name implies “strangers” are aggravates that are unfamiliar to the human body. Xenobiotic mixes incorporate normal just as engineered mixes, for example, pesticides, drugs, added substances, subs...View More

Umbilical Cord       

Umbilical cord blood collected at birth is a rich source of stem cells that can be used in research and in the clinic to treat diseases of the blood and immune system. With the consent of the parents, blood can be collec...View More

 reproductive System

The reproductive system of an organism, also known as the genital system, is the biological system made up of all the anatomical organs involved in sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances such as fluids, ...View More

Biowaivers Scholarly Journal

A biowaiver is the official endorsement to forgo the lead of a bioequivalence concentrate with regards to an application for medicate endorsement . Bioequivalence considers are of crucial significance for the endorsement...View More

Neuroendocrine Tumors

A condition in which the neuroendocrine cells develop into tumours.A neuroendocrine tumour may grow slowly or aggressively and spread to other parts of the body.Many people do not develop symptoms and the tumour is detec...View More

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Innovations     

Journals that include articles related to tuberculosis can be referred to as tuberculosis journal. Tuberculosis is mainly caused by mycobacteria. It occurs when a person having tuberculosis sneezes and the fluids are tra...View More

Nutrition In Pregnancy Top Open Access Journals

Your body experiences various physical and hormonal changes during pregnancy. The manner in which you sustain your body during this time will influence your wellbeing and your baby's. You should eat a restorative, adjusted eating routine to he...View More

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis       

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is a bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) in humans. TB is a disease that primarily affects the lungs, although it can attack other parts of the body. It spreads much like ...View More

Lungs Cancer Research Articles

Your lungs are 2 sponge-like organs in your chest. Your right lung has 3 sections, called lobes. Your left lung has 2 lobes. The left lung is smaller because the heart takes up more room on that side of the body. Wh...View More

Retinal Degenerative Diseases Research Articles

Retinal degeneration is a retinopathy which comprises in the disintegration of the retina brought about by the dynamic passing of its cells. There are a few purposes behind retinal degeneration, inclu...View More

Lung Cancer   

The most common symptoms of lung cancer are: A cough that does not go away or gets worse. Coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum (spit or phlegm) Chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing, coughing, or laughin...View More

Orthopedic Anesthesia Scholarly Journal

Nerve blocks may also reduce the amount of traditional narcotic pain medications that a patient may need to have during or after surgery. Anesthesia is administered before and during your surgical procedure so you do not feel pain. Some anest...View More

Orthopedic Anesthesia Scientific Journals

A significant advantage of nerve blocks for outpatient orthopedic surgery is that they provide the patient with excellent pain relief for many hours after the surgery. Anesthesia is administered before and during your surgical procedure so you do ...View More

Orthopedic Anesthesia Top Journals

This technique is often called a nerve blockage. Because our orthopedic surgeons often operate on part of the patients arm or leg, nerve blocks are frequently a recommended type of anesthetic for surgery at the Raleigh Orthopedic Surgery Center.&n...View More

Airway Disease     

Reactive airway disease is a term used to describe a set of symptoms that indicate a person is having a bronchial spasm. This is a reaction in their airway that needs further investigation. A bronchial spasm happens when...View More

Sports Medicine Scholarly Journal

Sports medication is a part of medication that manages physical wellness and the treatment and counteraction of wounds identified with sports and exercise. Albeit most games groups have utilized group...View More

Orthopedic Anesthesia Research Articles

Anesthesia is administered before and during your surgical procedure so you do not feel pain. Some anesthetics induce sleep, while others cause drowsiness and/or numbness. A Regional Anesthetic is a form of anesthesia in which a part of the body i...View More

Orthopedic Anesthesia High Impact Factor Journals

Orthopedic surgery is associated with high incidences of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The need for anticoagulation results in anesthesia issues specifically related to the potential for neuroaxial hematomas. Unique...View More