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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Constitutional-law -impact-factor

Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate conduct,[2] although its precise definition is a matter of longstanding debate. It has been variously described a...View More

Vortex Global Symmetries Top Open Access Journals

In liquid elements, a vortex (plural Vortices/vortexes) is a district in a liquid wherein the stream rotates around a pivot line, which might be straight or curved. Vortices structure in mixed liquid...View More

Clinical Course Of Multiple Sclerosis

  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This damage disrupts the abilit...View More

Cell Line Open Access Articles

cell line open access articles studies cultures obtained from immortal cell. those cell line carry out for the carcinogenic mobile. those cultures typically used for the laboratory purpose to keep awa...View More

Vortex Electromagnetic Frequencies

In liquid elements, a vortex (plural Vortices/vortexes) is a district in a liquid wherein the stream rotates around a pivot line, which might be straight or curved. Vortices structure in mixed liquid...View More

Open Access Articles On Systems Biology

Journal of Systems Biology Research (JSBR) journal is aimed at everyone working in the modelling and discovery of emergent properties in complex biological systems. Also, it seeks scientists relating the structure and dynamic...View More

Electrical Engineering Group Journals List

electrical engineering group journals list developed a variety of apparatus which are used in the daily life of mankind. Using novel properties of electronics the scientists are creating a new innovative material. The recent advance is that the de...View More

Research Articles On Biosystems Engineering

In Europe, bio systems building is a field of designing which coordinates designing science and structure with applied natural and ecological sciences. It speaks to the development of designing controls applied to every single living life form exc...View More

Physicalelectronics Top Online Publishing Journals

The study of physical phenomena basic to electronics, such as discharges, thermionic and field emission, and conduction in semiconductors and metals. Physical Electronics deals with the actual phenomenon occurring within the device during its oper...View More

Open Access Journals On Systems Biology

Systems biology is the computational and mathematical analysis and modelling of complex biological systems. It is a biology-based interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on complex interactions within biological sy...View More

Open Access Differential Equations Journals

Differential equations are the equations in mathematics which includes plenty of fancy math type symbols, it basically states that how a rate of change in one variable is related to the other variable. It plays an important role in biology, physic...View More

Criminology - Journals

Criminologists often look for behavioral patterns of a possible criminal in hopes of finding a particular perpetrator. They also conduct research and investigations, developing theories, and composing results, and more often than not solve crimes ...View More

Endodontics Top Open Access Journals

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws. It can also focus on modifying facial growth, known as dentofacial or...View More

Environmental Pollution Scientific Journals

Contamination is the presentation of contaminants into the condition that cause mischief or inconvenience to people or other living beings, or that harm the earth, which can come as compound substanc...View More

In Silico Biology

In silico is an expression meaning "performed on computer or via computer simulation" in reference to biological experiments. The phrase was coined in 1987 as an allusion to t...View More

Textile Recycling Innovations

Material waste items are accumulated from various sources and are then arranged and prepared relying upon their condition, organization, and resale esteem. The final product of this preparing can shift, from th...View More

Scholarly Open Access Differential Equations Journals

Differential equations are the equations in mathematics which includes plenty of fancy math type symbols, it basically states that how a rate of change in one variable is related to the other variable. It plays an important role in biology, physic...View More

Impact Factor Of Systems Biology

BMC Systems Biology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in experimental and theoretical aspects of the function of biological systems at the molecular, cellular or organismal level, in particular thos...View More

Forensic Odontology Open Access Journals

Forensic odontology is proper handling, examination, and evaluation of dental evidence, which will be presented in the interest of justice. The evidence that may be derived from the teeth, the age (in...View More

International Differential Equations Journals

Differential equations are the equations in mathematics which includes plenty of fancy math type symbols, it basically states that how a rate of change in one variable is related to the other variable. It plays an important role in biology, physic...View More

Temporomandibular Disorders High Impact Factor Journals

Reenactment is utilized in numerous unique circumstances, for example, recreation of innovation for execution tuning or advancing, security building, testing, preparing, instruction, and computer games. Frequently, PC te...View More

Dental Trauma Scientific Journals

Dental trauma refers to trauma (injury) to the teeth and/or periodontium (gums, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone), and nearby soft tissues such as the lips, tongue, etc. The study of dental trauma ...View More

Soil Texture Top Journals

soil texture top journals peer reviewed journal that covers the publication of all aspects of Environmental Sciences with firm determinations of description on the modern study achievements and developments. It delivers valued online platform by p...View More

Best Biodiversity Journals

Biodiversity is the range and variability of existence on the earth. Biodiversity is normally a diploma of model at the genetic, species, and surroundings level. Terrestrial biodiversity is usually mo...View More

Silk Fabrics Journals

Business silks begin from raised silkworm pupae that square measure reared to furnish a white hued silk string with no mineral on a superficial level. The pupae square measure murdered by either dunki...View More

Soil Water Top Journals

Soil water is the water that is available in Soil. Soil water is of three types. 1. Gravitational water, 2. Hygroscopic water, 3. Capillary water. Soils can process and hold considerable amount of water. They can take in water, and will keep doing...View More

Review Articles On In Silico Biology

  In Silico Biology  is a scientific research journal aiming to advance the use of computational models and simulations in studies applied to complex biological phenomena. W...View More

High Impact Factor Environmental Pollution Journals

Contamination is the presentation of contaminants into the condition that cause mischief or inconvenience to people or other living beings, or that harm the earth, which can come as compound substanc...View More

Top Differential Equations Online Publishing Journals

Differential equations are the equations in mathematics which includes plenty of fancy math type symbols, it basically states that how a rate of change in one variable is related to the other variable. It plays an important role in biology, physic...View More

Top Open Access Journals In Biopharmaceutics

Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. With open access strictly defined (according to the 2001 defi...View More