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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Peer-reviewed Journals In Endocrinology

Endocrinology is a field in science and medication that manages the endocrine framework. The organs associated with the endocrine framework incorporate the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testi...View More

Electronic Media

Electronic media is a category of media through which one can spread information or communicate to mass with the help of electronic devices and digital means. It includes, Television, Radio, Smart phones, etc. is th...View More

Cardiac Tamponade Open Access Journals

Cardiovascular tamponade, otherwise called pericardial tamponade, is when liquid in the pericardium (the sac around the heart) develops, bringing about pressure of the heart. Onset might be quick or g...View More

Systems Biology Applications

Systems biology is in vogue because of its potential to revolutionize not only biology but also medicine. Developments are anticipated that will change how we think about disease and how we approach therapeutic intervent...View More

Catalysis Open Access Journals

Catalysis-open-access-journals publish original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic f...View More

Indexed Journals In Endocrinology

Endocrinology is a field in science and medication that manages the endocrine framework. The organs associated with the endocrine framework incorporate the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testi...View More

Biotechnology Peer-review Journals

Diary of Biotechnology and Biomaterials is a companion audited diary which distributes top notch articles detailing unique research, survey, discourse, supposition, quick correspondence, case report a...View More


Geology is the have a look at of the Earth, the substances of which it's far made, the shape of those materials, and the procedures acting upon them. It includes the examine of organisms which have inhabited our planet. An essential a part of ...View More

Medical Pathology Innovations

Open Access is a peer reviewed journal published by omics group. The journal publishes manuscripts dealing with aspects of pathology that include histopathology, cytopathology, hematology, chemical pathology, medical mic...View More

Cardiac Tamponade Online Journals

Cardiovascular tamponade, otherwise called pericardial tamponade, is when liquid in the pericardium (the sac around the heart) develops, bringing about pressure of the heart. Onset might be quick or g...View More

Oral Hygiene Journals List

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping one's mouth clean and free of disease and other problems (e.g. bad breath) by regular brushing of the teeth (dental hygiene) and cleaning between the teeth. It is important that oral hygiene be carried o...View More

Electronic Journals In Endocrinology

Endocrinology is a field in science and medication that manages the endocrine framework. The organs associated with the endocrine framework incorporate the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testi...View More

Free Catalysis Journals

Catalysis journals is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research, full-length reviews/mini reviews and thematic issues in all core areas of catalysis comprising theoretic...View More

General Practice Future

Clinical Research Network (CRN) is one part of the NIHR, responsible for supporting the delivery of research studies, including within Primary Care. The experience of patients recruited into primary c...View More

Hepatitis Viruses Leading Journals

Diary of Hepatitis is an International academic companion inspected diary, with globally perceived researchers on the publication board. This Journal Publishes articles in all fields and territories o...View More

TCR Engineering High Impact Factor Journals

The Transformational Challenge Reactor Demonstration Program’s approach to nuclear energy leverages advances from ORNL in manufacturing, materials, nuclear science, nucl...View More

Best Journals In Endocrinology

Endocrinology is a field in science and medication that manages the endocrine framework. The organs associated with the endocrine framework incorporate the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testi...View More

Reputed Catalysis Journals

Catalysis journals are dedicated to publishing original research on heterogeneous catalysis, molecular catalysis and biocatalysts. Widespread coverage includes life sciences, organometallics and synth...View More

Open Access Lymphoma Journals

Lymphoma  diaries concentrate into the determinants, event, conclusion, cure, and visualization of lymphoma is being performed. Many clinical tests are being planned or attempted at any allowed t...View More

Fluid Dynamics Top Open Access Journals

In material science, and designing, the liquid element is a subdiscipline of liquid mechanics that portrays the progression of liquids—fluids and gases. It has a few subdisciplines, including optimal design (the investigation of air and diff...View More

Antiretrovirals Best Journals

Antiretroviral treatment (also known as antiretroviral therapy or ART) are the drugs that treat HIV.Standard antiretroviral therapy (ART) consists of the combination of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to maximally suppress the HIV virus and stop the pr...View More

Proteomics New Findings

Proteomics is the big-scale observe of proteins.[1][2] Proteins are critical elements of residing organisms, with many features. The proteome is the whole set of proteins this is produced or modified by way of an organism or device. Proteomics has...View More

Biofilm Microbes Innovations

Biofilms are a group of at least one kinds of microorganisms that can develop on a wide range of surfaces. Microorganisms that structure biofilms incorporate microscopic organisms, parasites and protists. ...View More


Geology is the examine of the Earth, the substances of which it is made, the structure of those substances, and the procedures performing upon them. It includes the study of organisms which have inhabited our planet. An vital a part of geology is ...View More

Menopause High Impact Factor Journals

. Menopause, otherwise called the climacteric, is the time in most ladies' lives when menstrual periods stop for all time, and they are not, at this point ready to endure children. Menopause regul...View More

Influenza Virus Infection

Clinical Research Network (CRN) is one part of the NIHR, responsible for supporting the delivery of research studies, including within Primary Care. The experience of patients recruited into primary c...View More

Biofilm Microbes Online Journals

Biofilms are a group of at least one kinds of microorganisms that can develop on a wide range of surfaces. Microorganisms that structure biofilms incorporate microscopic organisms, parasites and protists. ...View More

Sinus Online Journals

Sinus procedure is an old, old order — truth be told, it likely goes back to the old Egyptians.[1] Over time, as innovation and anatomical comprehension have improved, so have careful methods. What accustomed be an incredibly intrusive metho...View More

Plant Biochemistry New Findings

Plant organic chemistry articles are devoted to delivering examination, knowledge and information identifying with inquiries of significance in understanding the Plant natural chemistry fields. The gl...View More

Mycobacterial Scholarly Research

Mycobacteria are oxygen consuming. They are bacillary in structure, at any rate in many stages that have pulled in human microbiological thoughtfulness regarding date; they are straight or somewhat be...View More