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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Type 1 Diabetes Top Journals

Type 1 diabetes (T1D), recently known as adolescent diabetes, is a type of diabetes where next to no or no insulin is delivered by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone required for the body to utilize b...View More

Tuberculous Mastoiditis

Tuberculosis affects the middle ear through three routes; aspiration of mucus through the Eustachian tube, blood borne dissemination from other tuberculous foci or direct implantation through the external auditory canal and tympanic memb...View More

Oceanography Innovations

Oceanography is that the study of oceans of the planet . This area of study is additionally referred to as oceanology or marine science, is really a subset of the branch of natural science that studies the ocean. Technological innovation has ...View More

Maxillofacial Pathology Top Open Access Journals

Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists” (IAOMP) is a National Association registered in 1993. It is flagship association of Oral Pathologists of India. An association with a strong hold of 2000 m...View More

Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering-open-access-journals

Water framework and waste, counterfeit use of water to land and fake dispatch of bounty water from land, openly. Some land requires water framework or spillage before it is possible to use it for any ...View More

Modern Chemistry Research Articles

The Journal provides an open access platform on all the aspects of Chemistry which include organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, material, environmental chemistry etc with emphasis on current trends of computational ...View More

Peer Reviewed Journals In Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels. The syndrome increases a person's risk of heart attack and stro...View More

Childhood Obesity Journals

Late distributions have featured the test of characterizing youth corpulence in a way that is both proof based just as consistently relevant across various settings [4]. When all is said in done, a me...View More


Tourism Review International (TRI) may be a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of learned and managerially homeward data throughout all fields of commercial enterprise. In doing thus, the journal’s content reflects a broad-ba...View More

Coastal Development

Beach front Engineering is a universal vehicle for seaside specialists and researchers. Joining commonsense applications with present day innovative and logical methodologies, for example, scientific ...View More

Free Modern Chemistry Journals

The Journal publishes research articles, review articles, short communications, mini reviews altogether the branches of chemical sciences. Publishing authentic, unique and imperative findings altogeth...View More

Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering-open-access

Water system and waste, fake usage of water to land and phony launch of abundance water from land, freely. Some land requires water system or spillage before it is conceivable to utilize it for any de...View More

Clinical Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine is a global business enterprise. Industry and governments clearly are beginning to envision nanomedicine's enormous potential. A clear definition of nanotechnology is an issue that requires urgent attent...View More

Global Warming-articles-open-access

Global warming is the ongoing rise of the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and has been demonstrated by direct temperature measurements and by measurements of various effects of the warming. It is a ...View More

Molecular Pathology Scholarly Journal

Molecular Pathology is the study of disease and chromosomal abnormalities at the molecular level to aid in diagnosis and therapeutic intervention of disease processes.Molecular pathology seeks to explain why a given gene...View More


Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) is a form of buzz marketing and it can become viral if the message is persuasive or funny enough. In eWOM we focus on person-to-person contacts that happen on the inter...View More

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is the checking of conduct, exercises, or data to impact, overseeing or coordinating. This can incorporate perception from a separation by methods for electronic hardware, for examp...View More

Business And Management Journals

Business Management deals with the study of various streams of the business models that are broadly conceived to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in the entire globe and t...View More

Open Access Publishing Health Informatics Journals

Clinical journals in health informatics publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersec...View More

Pharmacovigilance Journal Free

Pharmaceutical solutions are a huge piece of patient idea all through the world. For bosses to sufficiently think about their patients, consistent security must be watched and revealed from beginning ...View More

Gene Expression Profiling Review Articles

In the field of molecular biology, gene expression profiling is the estimation of the action (the expression) of thousands of genes on the double, to make a worldwide image of cell work. These profiles can, for instance,...View More

Technological Bioprospecting And Development Scholarly Journal

Marine bioprospecting is the developing and targeted, systematic search for components, bioactive compounds and genetic products in marine organisms with the intent of producing these commercially for the benefit of soci...View More

Top Modern Chemistry Journals

Modern chemistry journals wishes to market rapid communication and dialogue among the researchers, scientists and engineers working within the areas of current chemistry within the world. It publishes...View More

Best Shrimp Farming Journals

Shrimp farming has changed from traditional, small-scale businesses in Southeast Asia into a global industry. Technological advances have led to growing shrimp at ever higher densities, and broodstock is shipped worldwid...View More

Dental Erosion Online Journals

Corrosive disintegration is a kind of tooth wear. It is characterized as the irreversible loss of tooth structure because of synthetic disintegration by acids not of bacterial birthplace. Dental disin...View More

Coastal Engineering

Beach front Engineering is a universal vehicle for seaside specialists and researchers. Joining commonsense applications with present day innovative and logical methodologies, for example, scientific ...View More

Fish Biology Group Journals List

Water's exploration in fish science produces new information about formative attributes and physiological prerequisites of fish for an amazing duration history. We utilize our outcomes to give bit...View More

Gene Expression Profiling Open Access Articles

In the field of molecular biology, gene expression profiling is the estimation of the action (the expression) of thousands of genes on the double, to make a worldwide image of cell work. These profiles can, for instance,...View More

Molecular Modeling Future

Molecular modelling is based on the development of theoretical and computational methodologies, to model and study the behaviour of molecules, from small chemical systems to large bio...View More

Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Innovations

328 Progressive  multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a sickness of the white matter of the cerebrum, brought about by an infection contamination that objectives cells that make myelin- - the material that protects nerve cells (neurons). P...View More