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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Articles-open-access In Metabolomics

Metabolomics is the scientific take a look at of chemical processes involving metabolites, the small molecule substrates, intermediates and products of metabolism. Specifically, metabolomics is the "systematic observe of the specific chemical...View More

Environmental Issues

Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical environment. Environmental protection is a practice of protecting the natural environment on the individual, organizational or governmental le...View More

Chemistry Journals On Organic Process Research

Science is the logical order associated with components and mixes made out of iotas, atoms and particles: their synthesis, structure, properties, conduct and the progressions they experience during a ...View More

Medicinal Chemistry New Findings

Medicinal chemistry is an exact science that has progressed to join a broad extent of controls stressed over the unmistakable confirmation, amalgamation, and improvement of drug like blends for healing use. It needs a wide extent of capacity, made...View More

Water Management-journals-list

Water management is that the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. Water might even be a basic necessity. No living creature can live whereas ...View More

Scholarly Open Access Bioinformatics Journals

Bioinformatics /ËŒbaɪ.OʊˌɪnfÉ™rˈmætɪks/ (About this soundlisten) is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software gear for information biological statistics, particularly while the facts sets are large ...View More

Energy Metabolism Review Articles

A few bits of proof recommend that the capacity of rest is related with vitality digestion, sparing of vitality, and recharging of vitality stores. Drawn out attentiveness instigates indications of vi...View More

Aircraft Research Articles

An aircraft is a vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air. It counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases...View More

Companion Diagnostic Tests

A companion diagnostic (CDx) is a diagnostic test used as a companion to a therapeutic drug to determine its applicability to a specific person. Co...View More

Membrane Protein Best Online Journals

Membrane proteins area unit common proteins that area unit a part of, or move with, biological membranes. Membrane proteins be many broad classes counting on their location. Integral membrane proteins area unit a permane...View More

Scholarly Journals In Pediatric Ophthalmology

Pediatric ophthalmology is a sub-forte of ophthalmology worried about eye ailments, visual turn of events, and vision care in children. Pediatric ophthalmologists center around the advancement of the ...View More

Next Generation Sequencing Open Access Journals

The Genexus System consists of a purification system and an integrated sequencer, coalescing and automating nucleic acid extraction and purification, library preparation, sequencing, and analysis repo...View More

Best Bioinformatics Journals

Bioinformatics /ËŒbaɪ.OʊˌɪnfÉ™rˈmætɪks/ (About this soundlisten) is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software gear for information biological statistics, particularly while the facts sets are large ...View More


RNA interference (RNAi) is a well-established generation that revolutionized the way that researchers take a look at mammalian gene expression and maintains to contribute valuable insights into gene f...View More


Corporate finance is all aspects of finance related to an organization, such as capital investment, operations, banking and budgeting. The process is intended to maximize the value for shareholders by a combination of sh...View More

Toxicology Top Open Access Journals

Open Access Journal of Toxicology is a peer reviewed, international on-line business scientific journal. This Journal focuses totally on the study of adverse effects of xenobiotics on the health of huma...View More

Virtual Engineering New Findings

Virtual engineering is defined as integrating geometric models and related engineering tools such as analysis, simulation, optimization, and decision making tools, etc., within a computer-generated en...View More

Antioxidants Journals

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. Oxidation may be a reaction that will produce free radicals, thereby resulting in chain reactions that will damage the cells of organisms. Antioxidants like thiols or vi...View More

Environmental Biotechnology Review Articles

Environmental biotechnology is a system of scientific and engineering knowledge related to the use of microorganisms and their products in the prevention of environmental pollution through biotreatmen...View More

Impact Factor In Biomedicine

The developing notoriety of biomedicine is to a great extent due to its viable applications. Specialists and analysts started to see how the think about of hereditary clutters, different sclerosis and other conditions through science was fantastic...View More

Membrane Protein Peer Review Journals

Membrane proteins ar common proteins that are a part of, or act with, biological membranes. Membrane proteins comprise many broad classes looking on their location. Integral membrane proteins ar a permanent a part of a p...View More


Weather is the day by day u.S. Of the environment, and its quick-time period version in mins to weeks. People commonly endure in thoughts climate because the combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility, and wind. We...View More


Aquaculture, also called fish farming, fish culture, or Mari culture, an approximate equivalent in fishing to agriculture—that is, the rearing of fish, shellfish, and some aquatic plants to supplement the natural s...View More

Water Management-peer-review-journals

Water management is that the activity of designing, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. Water could even be a basic necessity. No living creature will live wherea...View More


Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients into food. Journal Article is sometimes called a Scientific Article, a Peer-Reviewed Article, or a Scholarly Research Article. Together, journa...View More

Urinary Tract Infection Open Access Articles

A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra....View More


Corporate finance deals with the capital structure of a corporation, including its funding and the actions that management takes to increase the value of the company. Corporate finance also includes the tools and analysi...View More


Mechanical clinical system, or robot-helped clinical technique, grants specialists to play out various sorts of complex structures with more exactness, versatility and control than is possible with st...View More

Membrane Protein Top Journals

Membrane proteins are common proteins that ar a part of, or act with, biological membranes. Membrane proteins be many broad classes betting on their location. Integral membrane proteins ar a permanent a part of a cytomem...View More

Poultry In Industries

Poultry industries worldwide have had to confront the problem of waste management. Poultry production results in several waste products, and feather disposal present a major waste challenge. Large companies in the business of raising and freezing ...View More