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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Tissuechips Open Access Journals

Tissuechips development will benefit increasingly from applications developed for other industries. For example, flame hydrolysis deposition (FHD) of glasses has many applications in the telecommunica...View More


Art touristry could be a term that's used once individuals travel so as to go to, explore and interact in activities associated with art. It includes traveling to art festivals, concerts, wine and preparation events,...View More

Next Generation Automobiles Journals List

Automobile  – wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to ...View More


Some sympodial terrestrial orchids, like Orchis and monocot genus, have 2 subterranean stem roots. One is employed as a food reserve for wintry periods, and provides for the event of the opposite one, from that visible g...View More


Formerly printed as Pacific touristry Review. touristry Review International may be a peer-reviewed journal that advances excellence altogether fields of touristry analysis, promotes high-level touristry data, and nouris...View More

Biochemistry Online Journals

Natural chemistry, in some cases called organic science, is the investigation of concoction forms inside and identifying with living life forms. Biochemical procedures offer ascent to the unpredictabi...View More

Tissue Engineering In Autologous Organs

Tissue engineering has been recognized as a change of location approach to interchange broken tissue or whole organs. Engineering tissue, however, faces an impressive data gap within the challenge to completely recapitul...View More

Public Choice Approach

Public interest theory assumes public servants are motivated by desire to maximize society’s welfare. Public choice approach challenges this it views bureaucracy as in efficient and un-responsive. It believes that this is due to bureaucracy ...View More

Genome News Online Journals

In the fields of molecular biology and genetics, a genome is the genetic cloth of an organism. It includes DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses). The genome includes each the genes (the coding regions) and the nonco...View More

Next Generation Automobiles Peer Review Journals

Automobile  – wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to ...View More

Nuclear Weapon Innovations

THE FIRST DESIGN of an atomic weapon in the United States was a firearm barrel gathering, in which two sub-minimum amounts of exceptionally enhanced uranium (HEU), were united by typical gunnery force in a shor...View More

Respectable Metastatic Melanoma Scholarly Journal

respectable metastatic melanoma scholarly journal One-hundred-two patients with malignant melanoma who had distant metastases surgically resented and were judged to be clinically free of disease (M. D...View More

Bacterial Diseases Open Access Journals

Bacteria can infect any area of the body. Pneumonia, meningitis, and food poisoning are just a few illnesses that may be caused by harmful bacteria. Bacteria come in three basic shapes: rod-shaped (ba...View More


Anthropology is the predictable assessment of people, human immediate and social demands in the over a gigantic time length. Social human sciences ponders occasions of lead and social humanities considers social hugeness, including standards and a...View More

Aeronautical Peer Review Journal

Aeronautics is the science or art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight–capable machines, and the techniques of operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere. A...View More


The main objective of video compression is to compress the dimensions of a video file by removing the repetitive knowledge sequences and thus modify effective storage and management of information. the various compressio...View More

Nmr Spectroscopy Peer Review Journals

NMR is an abbreviation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. An NMR instrument allows the molecular structure of a material to be analyzed by observing and measuring the interaction of nuclear spins when pl...View More

Next Generation Automobiles Open Access Journals

Automobile  – wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to ...View More

Aeronautical Innovations

Aeronautics is the science or art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight–capable machines, and the techniques of operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere. A...View More


Anthropology is the consistent examination of individuals, human direct and social requests in the over a huge time length. Social human sciences thinks about instances of lead and social humanities thinks about social s...View More


Architecture is combined with art & science for building & non-building designing. Free Architectural Journals explain the method in construction of physical building structures.. The mission of the Free Architec...View More

Next Generation Automobiles Open Access

Automobile  – wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to ...View More

Soft System Methodology

The technique was created from before frameworks building draws near, principally by Peter Checkland and associates, for example, Brian Wilson. The essential utilization of SSM is in t...View More

Genome News Review Articles

In the fields of molecular biology and genetics, a genome is the genetic cloth of an organism. It includes DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses). The genome includes each the genes (the coding regions) and the nonco...View More

Next Generation Automobiles Review Journals

Automobile  – wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to ...View More

Genome News Open Access Articles

In the fields of molecular biology and genetics, a genome is the genetic cloth of an organism. It includes DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses). The genome includes each the genes (the coding regions) and the nonco...View More

Molecular Pharmacology Review Articles

Pharmacology is a branch of medicine and pharmaceutical sciences which is concerned with the study of drug or medication action, where a drug can be broadly or narrowly defined as any man-made, natura...View More

Aeronautical Online Journals

Aeronautics is the science or art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight–capable machines, and the techniques of operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere. A...View More


Anthropology is the logical investigation of people, human conduct and social orders in the over a significant time span. Social human sciences contemplates examples of conduct and social humanities c...View More

Aeronautical Review Articles

Aeronautics is the science or art involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air flight–capable machines, and the techniques of operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere. A...View More