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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Lipids Articles

Tourism refers to the broad framework that identifies business enterprise’s essential characteristics and distinguishes tourism from similar, usually connected however completely different phenomena. It describes three concepts: The movement...View More

Lipids Journals

Lipids in Health associated unwellness is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal that publishes articles on all aspects of lipids: their organic chemistry, pharmacological medicine, toxicology, role in health and unwellness, and therefore the synt...View More

Lipids Quality Articles

This is a platform for publication of original and important information on the organic chemistry, metabolism and physiology of lipids. we tend to welcome submissions involving molecular, cellular and whole animal analysis. The scope includes phys...View More

Marine-Fishes Research Articles

  Biotoxins from certain marine fishes are not only harmful to marine animals and their native environment, but also have pharmacological importance, and can be used as medicines. An investigation was carried out to study the effect...View More

Marine-Systems Scholarly Journal

The Journal of Marine Systems provides a medium for knowledge base exchange between physical, chemical and biological oceanographers and marine geologists. The journal welcomes original analysis papers and review articles. Preference are going to ...View More

Marine Toxins Online Journals

Episodes of human intoxications thanks to Harmful protects Blooms are common within the last century principally thanks to the very fact that these events weren't often monitored. In Portuguese Republic, fatal occurrences joined to the consump...View More


Mass business is that the act of visiting a destination with massive amounts of individuals at a time and also the study of the result that giant amounts of individuals will wear a specific destination that has been over-exposed by single tourists...View More


Tourism constitutes a large form of sectors that give numerous merchandise and services to guests. However, these businesses conjointly give merchandise and services to native residents. Mass business is that the act of ...View More


Mass business may be a type of business that involves tens of thousands of individuals progressing to an equivalent resort typically at an equivalent time of year. it's the foremost well-liked type of business because it is usually the most af...View More

Tropical Medicine Future Top Open Access Journals

Annals of medicine & Public Health (ATMPH) a Bimonthly peer-reviewed international journal is being printed underneath the auspices of the continent Health analysis Organization. The journal can cowl medicine, infectious diseases, biology, Par...View More

Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder New Findings

The most common disorders square measure noninheritable. noninheritable or secondary derangements in super molecule metabolism, like diabetic acidosis, hyperosmolar coma, and hypoglycemia, all have an effect on the central system nervous. several ...View More

Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder Open Access Journals

carbohydrate metabolism may be a key facet of health and optimum operate during a sort of species, together with humans. A primary alteration in major international diseases, like upset and polygenic disease, is dysregulation of super molecule met...View More

Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder Quality Journals:

Inborn errors of super molecule metabolism coated during this chapter embody enzyme deficiencies, disorders of monosaccharide metabolism, polysome storage diseases, and gluconeogenic disorders. This focuses principally on clinical aspects, biologi...View More

Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder Reputed Journals

Carbohydrates square measure sugars. many Carbohydrates square measure basic, et al. square measure additional knotty. disaccharide is created of 2 easier sugars referred to as aldohexose and ketohexose. milk sugars created of aldohexose and brain...View More

Vermicompost Open Access Journals

Vermicompost is that the method of composting mistreatment varied worms, sometimes red wigglers, white worms, and alternative earthworms to develop a heterogeneous mixture of moldering vegetable or waste matter, bedding materials and vertices. Wor...View More

Military Science Innovations

Military science is explained because the theory, method, and follow of manufacturing posture in a very manner per national defense program. field serves to spot the strategic, economic, political, psychological, social, technological, operational...View More

Military Science Impact Factor

Military science is additionally referred to as Defense studies. field of study may be explained because the theory, method, and observe of manufacturing capability in a very manner in step with national defense program. The impact issue of journa...View More

Marine-Actinomycetes Top Open Access Journals

Marine microorganism’s cosmopolitan on our oceans of the planet and rising because the nice supply for the invention of natural product. any they're developing as therapeutic agents for numerous human diseases. medication, antifungal, an...View More

Military Science Top Open Access Journals

Military science are often explained because the theory, method, and observe of manufacturing military posture in a very manner according to national defense program. subject serves to spot the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social...View More

Military Science Scholarly Peer-Review Journal

Military science may be explained because the theory, method, and observe of manufacturing capableness during a manner per national program. subject field serves to spot the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, techn...View More

Military Science Review Articles

Review articles area unit the outline of current state of understanding on a specific analysis topic. They analyze or discuss analysis antecedently revealed by someone and academicians instead of reportage novel analysis...View More

Molecular Imaging And Spectrometry

Molecular imaging originated from the arena of radio medicine as a result of the need to rise perceives the essential molecular pathways at intervals organisms terribly very noninvasive manner. Molecular Imaging emerged at intervals the first ordi...View More

Molecular Imaging

It provides elaborated info concerning molecular structure, dynamic processes and permits the direct observation of chemical reactions. it's conjointly a primary quantitative methodology permitting the determination ...View More


Mobile networking may be a platform for readjustment the portability of computers and wireless networks. With the miniaturization of computers, high process speed and simple access to the web, mobile networking has gaine...View More

Biofield Therapies Top Journals

Biofield treatments are expected to influence vitality handle that purportedly encompass and infiltrate the human body. The presence of such fields has not been experimentally demonstr...View More

Electronics Engineering Articles Open Access

Electronic building (likewise called hardware and correspondences designing) is an electrical building discipline which uses nonlinear and dynamic electrical segments, (for e...View More

Ecosystem-research Articles

Biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning, as do the processes of disturbance and succession. Ecosystems provide a spread of products and services upon which individuals depend. The most important of...View More

Chemistry Scientific Journals

Science is the logical order engaged with components and mixes made out of iotas, particles and particles: their sythesis, structure, properties, conduct and the progressions they expe...View More

Automobile Engineering Impact Factor

Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with designing, manufacturing and operating automobiles. It is a segment of vehicle engineering which includes mechanical, electrical...View More

Molecular Pharmaceutics Scopus Indexed Journal

Atomic Pharmaceutics is a friend looked into logical diary covering research on the sub-atomic unthinking comprehension of medication conveyance and medication conveyance frameworks, including physica...View More