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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science


In medicine, a service of ailment or of medication. For example, in malaria a mosquito is the vector that incorporates and transfers the infectious agent. In molecular biology, a vector may be a plagu...View More

Recent Modern Chemistry Journals

Modern chemistry journals wishes to market rapid communication and dialogue among the researchers, scientists and engineers working within the areas of current chemistry within the world. It publishes...View More

Geriatric Palliative Care Online Journals

Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine is a peer reviewed medical journal that includes a wide range of fields and creates a platform for the authors to contribute towards the journal.  Palliative Care is a specialized area of healthcare t...View More

Open Access Journals In Pulmonary Fibrosis

One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small 'por...View More

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (ESKD) is the last stage of long-term (chronic)kidney disease. This is when your kidneys can no longer support your body  needs.. End-stage kidney disease is also called en...View More

Best International Modern Chemistry Journals

Best international modern chemistry journals wishes to market rapid communication and dialogue among the researchers, scientists and engineers working within the areas of current chemistry within the ...View More

Patient Care Journals

Citations are important for a journal to get impact factor. Impact factor is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal. The impact of the journal...View More

Best Journal Articles On Computer-aided Drug Design

Drug design is a splendid inventive process of new medication on the basis of biological target. It is also known as rational drug design or rational design. That is the invention in medical history i...View More

Biophysics Companies

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that applies approaches and systems as a rule utilized in material science to consider customary phenomena.Biophysics covers all sizes of standard relationship, from sub-atomic ...View More

Geriatric Palliative Care Innovations

Palliative Care is a specialized area of healthcare that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients. Palliative medicine applies a multidisciplinary approach to patient care to relieve suffering.  Palliative Care is a speci...View More

Pharmacovigilance Top Journals

One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small 'por...View More

Fluid Dynamics Online Journals

Liquid Mechanics examine International Journal (FMRIJ) is the main universal diary distributes top-notch peer explored papers in all fields of liquid mechanics. This diary managing the interpretations of significant hypo...View More

Mammals Behaviour Scholarly Open Access Journals

There are well evolved creature species that display almost every kind of way of life., including fossorial, sea-going, earthly, and arboreal ways of life.. Motion styles are likewise various: vertebrates may swim, run, bound, fly, skim, tunnel, o...View More

Drug Metabolism Review Articles

The metabolism of pharmaceutical capsules is an critical aspect of pharmacology and medicinal drug. For example, the fee of metabolism determines the duration and intensity of a drug's pharmacologic action. Drug meta...View More

Aquaculture Open Access Journals

Aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture, withal kenned as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture ...View More

Best Article On Target Based Drug Designing

The target based drug design approaches are a series of computational procedures, including visualization tools, to support the decision systems of drug design/discovery process. In the essence of bio...View More

Geriatric Palliative Care Journals

Chemotherapy usually refers to chemical agents such as alkylating agents, anti-metabolites, and anti-tumor antibiotics. Palliative Care is a specialized area of healthcare that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients. Palliat...View More

Pulmonary Fibrosis Journals

One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small 'por...View More

Computational Science Journals

Computational science, in any case called sensible enlisting or legitimate count (SC), is a rapidly growing piece of applied programming building and math that usages pushed figuring abilities to gras...View More

Drug Toxicity Peer-review Journals

Toxicity refers to how poisonous or harmful a substance can be. In the context of pharmacology, drug toxicity occurs when a person has accumulated too much of a drug in his bloodstream, leading to adver...View More

Functional Foods

A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports on information in order to present in sources, conduct interviews, engage in research, and make reports. The information-gathering part of a journali...View More

Geriatric Palliative Care Peer-review Journals

This idea of palliative chemotherapy is relatively new. It’s only in recent years that that alleviation of symptoms has become an important component of clinical trials for cancer research. Chemo...View More

Journals On Target Based Drug Designing

Drug planning & Intellectual Properties International Journal (DDIPIJ) is a global peer reviewed open access journal presenting original analysis and contributions and scientific advances within t...View More

Open Access Journals In Thyroid Disorders

thyroid issue are conditions that influence the thyroid organ, a butterfly-molded organ in the front of the neck. The thyroid has significant jobs to manage various metabolic procedures all through the body. Various sorts of thyroid issue influenc...View More

Sleep Disorders Products

Most common sleep problems can be sleep deprivation, Parasomnias, Obstructive Sleep Apnea night terrors, insomnia, bedwetting, snoring, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. Healthy sleep is necessary for o...View More

Drug Metabolism Open Access Articles

The metabolism of pharmaceutical capsules is an critical aspect of pharmacology and medicinal drug. For example, the fee of metabolism determines the duration and intensity of a drug's pharmacologic action. Drug meta...View More

Aquaculture Peer Review Journals

Aquaculture (less commonly spelled aquiculture, withal kenned as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture ...View More

Facial Lesions Open Access Articles

The objective of this investigation was to survey choice elements and generally speaking outcomes in regards to careful and nonsurgical administration of post-awful facial nerve loss of motion (FP).  ...View More

Peer-review Journals In Pulmonary Fibrosis

One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small 'por...View More

Open Access Computational Science Journals

Computational science, otherwise called logical registering or logical calculation (SC), is a quickly developing part of applied software engineering and arithmetic that utilizations propelled figurin...View More