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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Articles In Modern Chemistry

Chemistry aids in the development of healthcare, the conservation of natural sources, and the protection of the environment. Chemistry is the important technological know-how, valuable to the knowledg...View More

Top Open Organic Chemistry Journals

Organic Chemistry is the study of organic compounds. The carbon atoms combine with other elements in a number of ways to through special bonds like covalent bonds to form a large number of compounds w...View More

Best Irrigation Engineering Journals

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More

Land Farming Top Journals

Diary of Bioremediation and Biodegradation is likewise engaged with distributing the articles which are identified with biotransformation, mineralization, detoxification, reusing and treatment of synt...View More

Dental Health Scientific Journals

A healthy mouth, free of infections, injuries and other problems with teeth and gums, is important in maintaining your overall health. Although a different set of medical professionals focuses on dent...View More

Online Journal On Annular Pancreas

The normal pancreas develops from three outgrowths of the primitive duodenum, two ventral and one dorsal. The ventral buds fuse early and then rotate with the gut, passing behind the duodenum from right to left and finally fusi...View More

Irrigation Engineering Importance

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More

Irrigation Engineering-new-findings

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More

International Biological Engineering Journals

The Journal of Biological Engineering Research and Review (JBERR) is a multidisciplinary, two times a year disseminated, open access, peer-studied, online intelligent journal. The purpose of JBERR is ...View More

Biomass Production Scholarly Open Access Journals

Biomass production at all trophic levels is ultimately dependent on the quantity and quality of resources comprising the basal trophic level. Experimental manipulations have generally found that biomass at all trophic levels increases with increas...View More

Proteoglycan Future

Proteoglycans have emerged as biomacromolecules with important roles in matrix remodeling, homeostasis, and signaling in the past two decades. Due to their negatively charged glycosaminoglycan chains ...View More

Irrigation Engineering-innovations

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More

Gene Family Scholarly Peer-review Journal

It can be defined as a place of numerous related genes which is created by doubling a single novel gene with same biochemical functions. Genes are categorized into families on the basis of mutual nucleotide or protein se...View More

Top Articles In Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineering or convey engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the orchestrating, functional design, operation and management of faciliti...View More

Irrigation Engineering-online-journals

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More


An audit is a free examination of financial data of any entity, regardless of whether benefit oriented or not, independent of its size or authoritative document. At the point when such an assessment i...View More


Nanorobotics is an emerging technology field creating machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics (as opposed to mi...View More

Textile Engineering Top Journals

Material designing, conjointly called material innovation, material science, is the investigation of various standards of building and logical approachs identified with texture science. These standard...View More

Fungal Plant Pathogens

Plant unhealthful microorganism and fungi have nonheritable resistance against standard pesticides. This has LED to the hunt for a lot of economical active compounds, particularly within the case of plant unhealthful fungi, due to their nice abili...View More

Biopsy Peer Review Journals

A biopsy is a clinical test ordinarily performed by a specialist, interventional radiologist, or an interventional cardiologist. The procedure includes extraction of test cells or tissues for assessment to decide the nea...View More

Renewable Integration

Renewable energy is energy that is accumulated from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewabl...View More

Imaging Mass Spectrometry Journals

The method used to envision the spatial dissemination of segments, for example, biomarker, metabolites, proteins by their atomic masses is known as imaging mass spectrometry. The developing innovations in the field of imaging mass spectrometry are...View More

Peer-reviewed Journals In Organ Transplantation

Transplantation is the transfer (engraftment) of human cells, tissues or organs from a donor to a recipient with the aim of restoring function(s) in the body. When transplantation is performed between...View More


Emergency management is that the discipline of handling & avoiding risks, particularly people who have catastrophic consequences for communities, regions are entire countries. Emergency management...View More

Pediatric Ophthalmology Journals   

Pediatric ophthalmologists center around the improvement of the visual framework and the different maladies that upset visual advancement in kids. Pediatric ophthalmologists likewise have mastery in dealing with the diff...View More

Family Alcoholism Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Families are fundamentally affected by addictions and family association in treatment can decrease the damages and can likewise improve treatment passage, treatment finish and treatment results for the individual adaptin...View More

Health Service Articles

The Open Access Journals was founded with a mission to develop a reliable platform and to provide unrestricted access to scientific literature for rapid dissemination of recent updates in various disc...View More

High Impact Biological Engineering Journals

The Journal of Biological Engineering Research and Review (JBERR) is a multidisciplinary, twice per year distributed, open access, peer-surveyed, online logical diary. The point of JBERR is to fill in...View More

Irrigation Engineering-articles-open-access

Irrigation is defined as the process of artificial supply of water to soil for raising crops. It is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to f...View More

Leading Journals On Annular Pancreas

Journal of the Pancreas is rated as the top journal on Annular pancreas. Journal of the pancreas has got its uniqueness in publishing the ingenious and the most upgraded research information in the form of editorials and r...View More