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Scientific Words in General Science

General science is defined as a systematic study of any knowledge and technology is the application of basic scientific knowledge that facilitates the easy and soft functioning of different functions in the community and in society. The water that flows into rivers and tanks is part of natural science and the environment and once stored in dams and supplied through the pipes to the fields, irrigation technology is implemented. Science and technology are inseparable and cannot be studied in insulation. Although basic sciences such as mathematics, physics and chemistry are sources of theoretical explanation of laws in nature, engineering applies them to build technologies to facilitate the easy functioning of complex phenomena such as the generation of electricity, the aviation e food processing.
General Science

Computational Mathematics-journals-list

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in mathematics as well as in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, and emphasizes algorithms, numerical methods, and symboli...View More

Vascular Surgery Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Vascular surgery is branch of science that deals with the cardiovascular system or circulatory system or vascular system i.e., lymphatic system, arteries and veins. It is part of a larger medical specialty. It is a surgical subspecialty in which d...View More

Mass Communication Scholarly Journals

Mass Communication means exchanging the information on a large scale to a wide range of people. Through newspapers, films, televisions, media etc. we can we exchange the information. Mass communication is chiefly concern...View More

Vascular Surgery Peer-review Journals

Vascular surgery is branch of science that deals with the cardiovascular system or circulatory system or vascular system i.e., lymphatic system, arteries and veins. It is part of a larger medical specialty. It is a surgical subspecialty in which d...View More

Vascular Surgery Journals

Vascular surgery is branch of science that deals with the cardiovascular system or circulatory system or vascular system i.e., lymphatic system, arteries and veins. It is part of a larger medical specialty. It is a surgical subspecialty in which d...View More

Computational Mathematics-peer-review-journals

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in mathematics as well as in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, and emphasizes algorithms, numerical methods, and symboli...View More

Biopharmaceutics Journals Impact Factor

A biopharmaceutical, otherwise called a biologic(al) clinical product, Biologics as a class of drugs in this smaller sense have profoundly affected numerous clinical fields, principally rheumatology a...View More

Vascular Surgery Open Access Journals

Vascular surgery is branch of science that deals with the cardiovascular system or circulatory system or vascular system i.e., lymphatic system, arteries and veins. It is part of a larger medical specialty. It is a surgical subspecialty in which d...View More

Vascular Surgery Online Journals

Vascular surgery is branch of science that deals with the cardiovascular system or circulatory system or vascular system i.e., lymphatic system, arteries and veins. It is part of a larger medical spec...View More

Maintenance Dialysis

Patients experiencing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) need to adapt to numerous difficulties, for example physical manifestations, constraints in food and liquid admission, changes in their self-percepti...View More


Geomorphology publishes peer-reviewed works across the full spectrum of the discipline from fundamental theory and science to applied research of relevance to sustainable management of the environment...View More

Computational Mathematics-open-access

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in mathematics as well as in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, and emphasizes algorithms, numerical methods, and symboli...View More

Nutrition Disorders Review Articles

Dietary infection, any of the supplement related maladies and conditions that cause ailment in people. They may remember inadequacies or overabundances for the eating routine, weight and dietary issu...View More

Computational Mathematics-open-access-journals

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in mathematics as well as in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, and emphasizes algorithms, numerical methods, and symboli...View More

Marine Biology-journals

marine biology  is the real assessment of marine vicinity, living creatures inside the sea. Given that during headway unfathomable phyla, family units and genera have two or 3 creature packs that...View More


Paleoanthropology word which is derived from Greek language describes it palaeos describe as old or ancient and anthropos as man which gives the meaning as, study of ancient man is known as paleoanthropology. Journal is an updated record of the pa...View More

Impact Factor Of Biopharmaceutics Journals

A biopharmaceutical, otherwise called a biologic(al) clinical product, Biologics as a class of drugs in this smaller sense have profoundly affected numerous clinical fields, principally rheumatology a...View More

Light Metals Journals

Metals of low atomic weight are called as light metals. Between light metals and heavy metals cut-off varies. Beryllium, Lithium, sodium, aluminium and magnesium are included. Light metals are less toxic when compared with heavy metals. Beryllium ...View More

Computational Mathematics-review-journals

Computational mathematics involves mathematical research in mathematics as well as in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role, and emphasizes algorithms, numerical methods, and symboli...View More

Open Access Light Metals Journals

Metals of low atomic weight are called as light metals. Between light metals and heavy metals cut-off varies. Beryllium, Lithium, sodium, aluminium and magnesium are included. Light metals are less toxic when compared with heavy metals. Beryllium ...View More

Online Light Metals Journals

Metals of low atomic weight are called as light metals. Between light metals and heavy metals cut-off varies. Beryllium, Lithium, sodium, aluminium and magnesium are included. Light metals are less toxic when compared with heavy metals. Beryllium ...View More


Climate isn't the same thing as weather. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere over a short period of time; the climate is the average course of weather conditions for a particular locat...View More

Top Journals In Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is an engineering discipline that cumulates engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical system...View More

Top Open Access Journalism Journals

Journalism is nothing but gathering of news, processing of news, dissemination of news and information related to the news to public. Journalism is conducted through media and it varies diversely which include content pu...View More

Reputed System Biology Journals

Frameworks science, is the computational and numerical investigation and displaying of complex organic frameworks. It is a science, based interdisciplinary field of study that centers around complex ...View More


ceramic materials that are biocompatible Bioceramics are an important subset of biomaterials. Bioceramics range in biocompatibility from the ceramic oxides, which are inert in the body, to the ot...View More

Open Access Geology Journals

The term geology comes from the Greek terminology; i.e.. ge refers to the “earth” & logia refers to the “study of , discourse”. Geology can be defined as branch of science which deals w...View More

General Molecular Pharmaceutics Journals

General molecular pharmaceutics journals Molecular Pharmaceutics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research on the molecular mechanistic understanding of drug delivery and drug delivery systems, including ph...View More

Marine Biology-open-access-journals

marine biology  is the real assessment of marine vicinity, living creatures inside the sea. Given that during headway unfathomable phyla, family units and genera have two or 3 creature packs that...View More

Green Building Journals

Green structure is an all-encompassing idea that begins with the understanding that the fabricated condition can have significant impacts, both constructive and pessimistic, on the common habitat, just as the individuals...View More