
International Journal of Media and Networks(IJMN)

ISSN: 2995-3286 | DOI: 10.33140/IJMN

Impact Factor: 1.02

Wi-SUN FAN Network Re-formation Characterization


Leslie J. Mulder and Dario Tedeschi

This paper reports on the results of Wi-SUN FAN 1.0 [1] network re-formation timing characteristics. The authors have explored in detail the behaviour of the Wi-SUN FAN network under conditions of power-on-reset of all nodes in the network, given that the nodes were already authenticated onto the network and had retained their relevant security material. Of specific interest was the timing of the reformation in general and how such timing scaled with network size. We provide details regarding:

• the time required for network re-formation for a sparse, isotropically distributed networks with 100, 256, 530 and 1024 nodes, and

• details of the rates of re-formation and the associated probability density and probabilities of that the network will be re- formed within a specific time frame.