
International Journal of Probiotics and Dietetics(IJPD)

ISSN: 2993-3056 | DOI: 10.33140/IJPD

What to do in Pandemics General Considerations


Shah Murad, Zafar H Tanveer, Sajida Zafar, Ali Abuzar Raza, Rabia Zafar, Jamil Ahmed, Lakhair Shaheena, Abdul Fatah, Ajaz Fatima

Governments around the world, as a matter of policy, are re- quiring people to socially isolate to mitigate the spread of the novel corona virus. Although an effective tool, this measure carries risk and has brought about huge influence on people’s physic and mental health [1]. They are alone—with no certain end to the isolation in view. This study provides evidence for substantial psychological and mental morbidity including com- plaints deeply human of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and aggression in the patients who suffered from COVID-19 in- fection [2]. The new coronavirus outbreak was characterized as a pandemic by the World Health