
Advance in Environmental Waste Management & Recycling(AEWMR)

ISSN: 2641-1784 | DOI: 10.33140/AEWMR

Impact Factor: 0.92*

Waste Recycling as a Key to Conservation of Natural Resources in Nigeria: An Overview


Harrison Ubong Edet, Maduabuchi MN

Waste generation in Nigeria is associated with increase in population resulting from economic development in cities, and this depends on high consumption of raw materials, which is gradually leading to the depletion of natural resources. The management of these wastes and there adverse impacts on the environment was observed to be one of the major challenges being tackled by state and local government environmental protection agencies. This paper focuses on recycling practices in Nigeria, which involves the collection and processing of materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash, and how these waste materials can be turned into new products, as a fundamental technique in the recovery of natural resources after use. It also reviews the role of waste recycling and its impact on the sustainability of these endangered raw materials.Thus, recycling accomplishes the dual function of the waste utilization and environmental safety, which is a key tonatural resource conservation.