
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Velocity of Transmission of Electrical Force and Aberration of Electric Field


Musa D Abdullahi

An electron of rest mass mo and charge –e moving with velocity v at angle θ to an electric field of intensity E and magnitude E, is subject to aberration of electrid field, as a result of relativity (c – v) of velocity between the electric force, transmitted with velodity of light c of magnitude c and the electron moving with velocity v. The accelerating force, at time t, in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion, put as F = - (eE/c) (c – v) = m (dv/dt), is less than the electrostatic force–eE, the difference being the radiation reaction force. At the velocity of light F become zero and the electron continues to move with speed c as a limit. Motion of the electron with constant mass m and its radiation power are treated under acceleration with θ=0 or deceleration with θ=π radians or at constant speed v, in a circle of radiua r, with θ=π/2 radians. It is shown that circular motion of an electron round a central force of attraction, as in the Rutherford’s nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is without radiation.