
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Use of an Innovative Technology Enabled Care Service (Tecs) Florence To Empower Patients and Enhance Adherence to Treatments in Diabetes


Parijat De, Susan Irwin, Jagjit Kaur and Karen Moore

Summary: In Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, diabetes prevalence is high with a large ethnic minority population. Social deprivation is significant and compliance is a major stumbling block in the achievement of diabetes and Blood Pressure (BP) targets. Our aims were to improve adherence to BP treatment via engaging patients in their own health through text reminders and regular encouragement, and determine the clinical and cost effectiveness of this simple, yet unique method of virtual clinic consultation through FLORENCE (Flo).

Since April 2014 • 100 patients have enrolled for BP monitoring. • 26 for blood glucose and insulin reminder.

Results • Medications have been adjusted (added new agent or increased dose) in 27/100 (27%). • 46/100 (46%) patients have been discharged with good BP control preventing 107 outpatient appointments (saving £11,663 vs. £2,329 Flo associated costs). • Total savings £9,334. • High patient satisfaction. • Improved utilization of manpower resources and healthcare professional time – thus clinically and cost effective model of care delivery recognizing the importance of supporting patients outside of face-to-face care to improve outcomes. Flo’s use continues to grow in our Trust. This simple Telehealth technology can be easily replicated in any NHS Trust or CCG, as has been shown within our own Trust.