
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Urine Therapy and Periodic Cleansing of the Body for Health and Enjoyabe Lon-gevity


Prof. Maria Kuman

We are self-organized systems, which have the ability to self-repair or self-fix themselves. How to activate the self-organization? The answer is - by closing the cycle. We drink water and other liquids and the urine is the waste product of our body functioning. To close the cycle means to start drinking the first urine – one 200 ml glass every morning (before breakfast, of course). By doing this we are raising a red flag: Attention, the body is malfunctioning, turn on the self-regulation [1]. To turn on the self-regulation mechanisms of your body, you must of course drink your own urine - don’t fall in the traps of companies trying to sell you products made from their urine.