
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Open Access(ASDOA)

Impact Factor: 0.98

Understanding Symbolism and Creativity in Children on the Autistic Spectrum: Possible Aspects of Psychotherapy and Play Therapy


Veronika Ivanova

The tendency to view autism as a cognitive disorder has led to a sharp decline in the importance of therapeutic play as a way of finding a child with autism. The emphasis on the cognitive disorder is due in large part to a shift in focus to the child's internal experiences. This text explores the possibilities of various therapeutic techniques - as a house for play therapy, other therapeutic games that provide a possible psychodynamic viewpoint for meeting the autistic child. During the process of technique in the smaller and understanding of proverbs, proverbs and the use of symbolic messages and metaphors in interviewing with high-functioning children. The results show that the symbolic and metaphorical are used in describing inner experiences. These results lead to the conclusion that, despite the undoubted benefits of socioeducational activities that teach them, we must also take into account the risks of corrective practices based on a support and punishment system that leads to the production of falsehood through a set of learned words and skills that are not synthetic and integrated into the child's personality, create a temporary illusion of social adaptation, but do not allow the child to face new creative situations and mostly contribute to stifle and deny his own psychic life.