
Advances in Bioengineering and Biomedical Science Research(ABBSR)

ISSN: 2640-4133 | DOI: 10.33140/ABBSR

Impact Factor: 1.7

Transdifferentiation of Mucus Cells into Ciliated Cells in the Quail Oviducte (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) II- Estroprogestative Treatment, Follow-up of Progestogenic Treatment


D almeida Marie Anne, Kouassi Komenan Daouda and Miessan Jean Jacques

Transdifferentiation is the process by which a cell that is not stem cell is differentiated into another cellular type without a dedifferentiation step. Transdifferentiation of secretory cells into ciliated cells was studied in ovariectomized quail oviduct after stimulation with Estroprogestatif and progesterone treatments. Cytological technique was applied. Semi thin sections realized in the blocks were observed and photographed by the Ultraphot II ZEISS. Estroprogestatif treatment (estradiol benzoate: 20ug +progesterone: 1mg/day) during six days induces differentiation of almost all epithelial cells into secretory cells. When this treatment is followed by progesterone alone during six days, about 50% of secretory cells transdifferentiation into ciliated cells. Following these treatments, neither DNA replication nor mitosis seems necessary for transdifferentiation of secretory cells into ciliated cells in quail oviduct.