
Space Science Journal(SSJ)

ISSN: 2997-6170 | DOI: 10.33140/SSJ

Transaction Costs in the Formation of the Socio-Cultural Architecture of the Region: Institutional Development and Regulation


Nadezhda Anikina

The article examines transaction costs, factors that form them, and cultural features of society. A significant result is the identification of a set of socio-cultural characteristics and their transformation into a cultural code, as well as a comparison of types of transaction costs in relation to the specified set of socio-cultural parameters. Based on the algorithm used and significant aspects, a Map of the influence of a set of socio-cultural characteristics on transaction costs is constructed. The key to economic growth is the effective organization of the economy through the development of socio-cultural architecture, science and education. Priority areas of regulation in the vector of economic development are state policy in the socio-economic sphere, the sphere of education (Universities, Scientific Schools, etc.).