
Journal of Educational & Psychological Research(JEPR)

ISSN: 2690-0726 | DOI: 10.33140/JEPR

Impact Factor: 0.655*

Towards an Ecological Vision of Neurodidactics


Alvaro Federico Muchiut, Paola Vaccaro, Marcos Luis Pietto

Neuroeducation is a discipline that studies the teaching and learning processes from a neural perspective, in order to contribute to the educational field through interventions that seek to promote changes in the subjects of knowledge. On the other hand, neurodidactics is an emerging discipline with a recent theoretical development, whose implementation could contribute to the development of interventions, given its eminently practical nature in the field of teaching. That is why, in the present work, a journey through some of the conceptualizations of neurodidactics is exposed, trying to provide its differentiation of what is understood by neuroeducation; as well as an ecological vision of neurodidactics is proposed, as an approach that considers the classroom as a natural environment from which and for which pedagogical intervention strategies are developed in the light of neuroscientific findings, and positions the teacher as a mediator of this process, who plans their interventions to optimize the teaching and learning process.