
Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research(JCTCSR)

ISSN: 2836-8495 | DOI: 10.33140/JCTCSR

Impact Factor: 0.98*

The Real Selfish Gene: Impact of Repetitive Elements on Read Mapping Accuracy, a Simulation Study


Richard Murdoch Montgomery

Repetitive elements, often referred to as selfish genes, pose significant challenges to genome assembly and read mapping in bioinformatics. These elements can replicate within the genome without providing functional benefits to the host organism, leading to complexities in accurate genome analysis. This study presents a simulation-based approach to illustrate the impact of repetitive elements on read mapping accuracy. By comparing genome sequences with and without repetitive elements, we demonstrate how these selfish genes create ambiguities and errors in read alignment. The findings underscore the importance of developing advanced bioinformatics tools aligned with artificial intelligence to mitigate the effects of repetitive sequences and improve the reliability of genomic analyses.