
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

The Positronium and Mass-energy Equivalence


Musa D. Abdullahi

The positronium consists of two oppositely charged particles of the same mass m and intrinsic energy 'E'. A positron of charge +e and an electron of charge -e, revolve diametrically, under mutual attraction, at equal radius, round their center of mass. The revolution is in unclosed elliptic paths with radiation or a closed circular orbit without radiation. The positron or electron is considered to be an impregnable spherical shell of radius a and mass m as a constant equal to the rest mass 'M'. with electrostatic field Eo and energy density (�?/2)Eo^2, in space. The particles may combine, with centers 2a apart, without annihilating, emitting radiation of energy 'E', equivalent to m, to form a dipole, a neutral particle called ‘unitron’ of intrinsic energy 'E' and mass m. The ‘unitron’ has negative potential energy -'E', according to a mass-energy equivalence law. The positron, electron and ‘unitron’ are the basic building blocks of matter