
Engineering: Open Access(EOA)

ISSN: 2993-8643 | DOI: 10.33140/EOA

Impact Factor: 1.18

The MIMO Data Transfer Line with Seven-Frequency Octonion Carrier


Vadim Sovetov

Currently, with the development of public relations and production systems, there is a need to increase the capacity of communication systems and information transmission. It has been shown theoretically that it is possible to increase throughput by using multidimensional signals in space instead of real signals on a plane. It is now accepted that a multidimensional space, Multiple- Input Multiple-Output (MIMO), can be formed using multiple antennas to transmit and receive in physical space. However, as physicists point out, such space is three-dimensional, and with the addition of time it is four-dimensional.

It is clear that in such a physical space, when using more than 2 antennas for transmission and 2 for reception, it is impossible to obtain a gain in throughput of more than 4 times, since according to the laws of cybernetics, the diversity at the channel input will not be transmitted to the exit. It follows that it is necessary to reconsider existing views on the dimension of physical space. Previously, in the work the MIMO data transfer line with three-frequency quaternion carrier, it was shown that it is possible to use a hypercomplex quaternion number as a model of physical space. In this case, the dimension of space will be equal to 4 with 3 imaginary (spatial) axes and one scalar axis. In addition, combinations of three quaternion angular frequencies on the imaginary axes formed 4 single-frequency channels. Accordingly, the gain in throughput compared to real signals reached 4 in orthogonal axes and 4 in frequencies.

In this work, an octonion with 7 imaginary (spatial) axes and one scalar is used as a mathematical model of physical space. It is shown that the dimension of physical space will be 8 with 64 single-frequency channels in the form of combinations of 7 angular frequencies. Hence, the gain in throughput will be 8 in orthogonal axes and 64 in frequencies.