
International Journal of Clinical and Medical Education Research(IJCMER)

ISSN: 2832-7705 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCMER

Impact Factor: 1.76

The Mechanism of Interaction Between Natural Physical Factors and the Whole Organism Forms the Basis of the General Theory of Physiotherapy


Bitsoev Vladimir Dodtievich

The optimal combination of drug therapy and physical factors increases the effectiveness of treatment and medical rehabilitation of patients. It is regrettable that the search for methods to improve the individual dosage of applied energies with an approach to the cellular level of dynamism (constant correction of the parameters of the applied physical factors during the entire treatment period) and complex (in the presence of several diseases) treatment is clearly not enough today. Perhaps this search is difficult due to the current lack of a general theory of physiotherapy and imperfect classification of physical factors. In this regard, there is a need to develop principles and methods for a comprehensive study of the effects of physical methods in clinical settings, and the requirements for testing new devices for physiotherapy have sharply increased. The author of this direction was an outstanding scientist Vladimir Sergeyev ich Ulashchik. In his opinion, the creation of a general theory of physiotherapy is one of the promising tasks of scientific physiotherapy.

It is known that from the end XIX The basic principles of nervousness and reflex theory are the theoretical basis of Russian physiotherapy. Subsequently, the influence of humoral and endocrine changes was added to the reflex theory of the mechanism of therapeutic action of the external environment (natural and preformed physical factors), but still with the leading principle of nervism. It should be noted that there have always been doubts about the comprehensive explanation of the reflex theory of all the causes and consequences of the interaction of external physical factors with the human body.

On this basis, “permanent” problems remained unresolved:

• general and specific in the action of physical factors;

• selectivity of their actions;

• the ratio of nervous and humoral, local and general, functional and morphological with a single and course application of physiotherapy;

• inability to determine the “dose-effect”;

• nature of the body’s primary reactions to environmental influences;

• orientation of processes that determine the final result of interaction between external physical factors and the whole organism; • realization of all potential opportunities for obtaining the maximum desired positive clinical effect during physical therapy.

Thanks to the great success of quantum mechanics( optics), chemistry, biology, supramolecular chemistry, and fibre-optic physics, it became necessary to review the mechanism of action of the physical factor and the response of the whole organism in order to diagnose, prevent, treat, and rehabilitate patients.

Quantum therapy originated before our era, when people began to consciously apply “natural factors” for therapeutic purposes with a governing “ verbal accompaniment and explanation.” With the subsequent development of scientific, technical and humanitarian disciplines (mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), the philosophy of using natural factors for therapeutic purposes changed. At the same time, the culture of external influence on the whole organism of any forces and means changed and improved, i.e. the use of” natural factors “for therapeutic purposes became systemic, with the subsequent emergence of a new scientific discipline in medicine “physiotherapy”. Its fundamental nature is that the entire universe, the Cosmos and the World around us consists of elementary particles (quanta), devoid of repetitions and existing in a three-dimensional dimension