The Info-Geometric Analysis of Wind Speed Dynamics and How Energy is Influentially Impacted by Information Geometry (IG)
Ismail A Mageed
The use of mathematical models to forecast environmental conditions is covered in this paper. These models work well for larger-scale events, but they become more complicated when it comes to wave processes or local weather. This issue has been tackled using a variety of strategies, such as neural networks and statistical and mathematical models. This method is innovative because it makes use of statistical manifolds, which offer a more precise means of estimating cost functions and distances. To create various models that can be utilised for environmental modelling and forecasting, this work focuses on developments in differential and information geometry. These subjects are essential to many global institutes and centres since they aid in the resolution of problems related to aviation safety, renewable energy, and meteorology. A few prospective uses of IG to progress energy were mentioned. Finally, some fresh open problems along with the next phase of research are presented.