
General Surgery and Clinical Medicine(GSCM)

ISSN: 2836-4961 | DOI: 10.33140/GSCM

The Impact of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears on Game Statistics among National Basketball Association (NBA) Players a Retrospective Cohort Study


David Maman, Noa Martonovich, Liad Alfandari, Binyamin Finkel and Eyal Behrbalk

Introduction Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are a common injury among athletes, including NBA players. Advances in surgical techniques, rehabilitation protocols, and complementary therapies have greatly improved the outcomes for athletes undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery. Arthroscopic surgery has become the standard approach for ACL reconstruction due to its minimally invasive nature, resulting in less pain, faster recovery, and better outcomes. Accelerated rehabilitation protocols have been shown to improve outcomes by getting athletes back to playing sooner and with better functional outcomes than traditional rehabilitation programs. Physiotherapy has aplayed an important.

Role in helping athletes return to play by using targeted exercises to improve range of motion, strength, and stability. Complementary therapies, such as phytotherapy, have also shown promise in aiding the healing process. These advancements in ACL tear treatment have the potential to improve outcomes for NBA players who suffer from these injuries and further research can help continue to improve prevention and management of these injuries.

Methods The study is a retrospective cohort study that focuses on NBA playerswho suffered from ACL tears and underwent reconstructive surgery between 2012 and 2022. The study excluded players who had not played prior to experiencing an ACL injury, players with a concurrent significant knee injury involving other ligaments, any other major leg injury, or a history of ACL tear in the contralateral knee. The study gathered data on 25 players and recorded game statistics for each player before and after surgery to assess the impact of ACL tears on players' game performance. The recorded data was analyzed using SPSS Statistics.

Results The mean age at injury was 26.12 ± 4.3 years, and the majority of injuries occurred on the left side. players experienced significant decreases in minutes per game and points per game, with a reduction of 5.9 and 3.5, respectively, during the season following the injury. Moreover, players exhibited a statistically significant decline in rebounds per game and assists per game, with a decrease of 0.91 and 1.11, respectively. These findings suggest that ACL injuries can have a severe impact on a player's ability to contribute to their team's success. The study did not find a significant difference in shooting percentages for two- pointers, three-pointers, and free throws before and after ACL injury. This suggests that ACL injuries do not significantly affect a player's shooting abilities.

Discussion This study focused on the incidence and impact of ACL injuries among NBA players between 2012 and 2022. The study found that ACL injuries had a significant negative impact on a player's performance, including decreases in minutes, points, rebounds, and assists per game. The mean time to return to play after ACL surgery was consistent with previous studies. The study also Citation: Maman, D., Martonovich, N., Alfandari, L., Finkel, B., Behrbalk, E.(2023). The Impactof Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tears On Game Statistics among National Basketball Association (NBA) Players A Retrospective Cohort Study. Gen Surgery Clin Med 1(1), 51-55. ISSN: 2836-4961 Gen Surgery Clin Med, 2023 Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 52 highlighted the importance of effective prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies, with neuromuscular training programs showing promise in reducing the incidence of ACL injuries. While ACL injuries did not significantly affect shooting percentages, further research is needed to fully understand their impact on shooting performance.

Conclusion The study sheds light on the frequency and effects of ACL injuries in NBA players and emphasizes the importance of implementing effective strategies for preventing, diagnosing, and treating such injuries in order to help players recover and return to their previous level of performance.