
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Immunology(JCEI)

ISSN: 2475-6296 | DOI: 10.33140/JCEI

Impact Factor: 1.9

The Change in Health Biomarkers for Bodyweight and Glucoses Between the PreVirus Period and COVID-19 Period Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 468)


Gerald C Hsu

This paper describes the author’s quantitative improvements on his weight and glucose resulting from lifestyle modifications. Special attention has been placed on both the pre-virus period from 5/5/2018 to 1/18/2020 (total 624 days with 1,934 meals and snacks) and the COVID-19 quarantined period from 1/19/2020 to 6/16/2021 (total 514 days with 1,536 meals). This article emphasizes on bodyweight, glucoses, and glucose fluctuations (GF) during the two compared periods. In general, his health conditions of weight and glucoses in the COVID-19 period (514 days) are better than his health conditions in the pre-virus period (624 days). The COVID-19 pandemic is more than 100 times worse than SARS that occurred in 2003, in terms of its spreading speed, fatality number, and emotional impact on the world population. People belonging to the “vulnerable” groups” such as the elderly, with existing chronic diseases and history of complications, require special attention to their health conditions and lifestyle management during this COVID-19 quarantine period. In this particular period, the author achieved better results on both his diabetes control and overall metabolism management. The knowledge and experience he has gained in the past 11 years of medical research and his developed metabolism index (MI) model along with his four diabetes prediction tools assisted him in many ways. During the quarantine period, he has stopped traveling and suffered no jet-lag, eating home-cooked meals, maintaining nutritional balance, continuing his daily walking exercise of 16,000 steps (~10.7 km or 6.7 miles each day), sleeping 7.2 hours each night, living a stressfree life, avoiding negative news of politics and the pandemic, and keeping a regular daily life routine. The author enjoys conducting medical research, which is his obsessive hobby, and does not need to make a living off his work. Therefore, he feels no pressure at all to continuously perform research over the past 11 years. As a result, he has actually turned the COVID-19 crisis into his health advantage!