
Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences(JHSS)

ISSN: 2690-0688 | DOI: 10.33140/JHSS

Impact Factor: 1.1

The Analysis of Impacts on Executive Employees’ Leadership


TUMUR-OCHIR Tumurtogoo, ZEGIIMAA Choidon and GELEGJAMTS Adilbish

Our study aims to identify how various factors influence leadership skills among employees. We studied for emphasizing the impacts such as ethic, fairness, justice and professional experience on leadership. Our study is grounded in findings from international researchers and the foundational theories of management within the humanities and social sciences. A total of 358 employees participated in an online questionnaire, which allowed for a comparative analysis by categorizing the results within a private organization. A distinctive aspect of this study is its aim to conduct a comprehensive analysis using metrological, correlation, multi-factor, and path analysis techniques. We sought to demonstrate how various variables influence leadership skills and their interrelationships through the use of Smart PLS-3.0 software and SPSS 27.0 version in our study.