
Journal of Electrical Electronics Engineering(JEEE)

ISSN: 2834-4928 | DOI: 10.33140/JEEE

Impact Factor: 1.2

The Algebraic Approach: The Double Slit Experiment Explained


Ed Gerck

We present a new vision on the double-slit experiment (DSE) that does not use any waves or the so-called waveparticle du- ality. It is based on particles, viewed as localized vibrations. Rather than being illogical, or mysterious, the approach repro- duces logically the interference patterns observed externally, using the well-known “amplification of stimulated emission” (ASE). The conservation of particle number is not observed. Different particles can present ASE with in-phase or counter phase behavior, making the patterns observed for electrons, other particles, even atoms. The Law of the Excluded Middle (LEM) is not broken illogically in two-states macroscopically, but broken naturally in three or more states, microscopically, using ASE. Any particle supporting ASE, in-phase or counter-phase, can enter a DSE, and provide an external interference pattern. Frequency plays a role, while amplitude is not considered. This work is important in quantum computing, possibly saving cost, time, and welcoming more participants.