
Advances in Neurology and Neuroscience(AN)

ISSN: 2690-909X | DOI: 10.33140/AN

Impact Factor: 1.12

Spinal Subdural Abscess Mimicking An Intradural-Extramedullary Tumor: A Rare Case Scenario


KV Shivanand Reddy, M Vijaya Saradhi, Vamshidhar Arradi and G Bhavani Prasad

Spinal subdural abscesses (SSA) are very rare disease. The etiologies of SSA are hematogenous spread, iatrogenic contamination, and local extension. Elevated WBC counts, ESR, and C-reactive protein are usually found in laboratory tests. But they are not sensitive indicators of SSA, especially chronic abscesses patient tend to have a less specific characteristic. We report the case of a healthy child with subdural abscess referred to our hospital as an intradural– extramedullary (IDEM) tumor.