
Annals of Computational Physics and Material Science(ACPMS)

ISSN: 2997-2795 | DOI: 10.33140/ACPMS

Small Bang Model: A New Paradigm for Understanding Universe Creation


Dr. Policarpo Yoshin Ulianov

The Small Bang Model (SBM) introduces a revolutionary framework for the genesis of the universe, challenging conventional cosmological theories. By suggesting the universe originated from a zero-mass state, facilitated by antimatter black holes, the SBM provides fresh insights into galaxy formation and the distribution of matter and antimatter. This paper outlines the SBM’s foundational principles, contrasts it with the Big Bang theory, and highlights its potential to resolve longstanding cosmological puzzles. Notably, it presents empirical validations demonstrating distinct mass relationships between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, supporting a novel classification into matter and antimatter galaxies. The Small Bang model is founded on two pivotal concepts: the theory of Cosmic Inflation and the principle of ‘Shunyata Universe’s Gene- sis’ (or ’Emptiness Universe’s Genesis’), a framework envisioning the universe’s inception as small, empty, and cold, entirely devoid of matter or energy. These SBM findings offer a groundbreaking perspective on the early universe’s dynamics and the distribution of cosmic matter, deepening our understanding of cosmic inflation. Consequently, we invite physicists to study, comprehend, and assess the new cosmological model proposed by the Small Bang Model.