
Current Trends in Mass Communication(CTMC)

ISSN: 2993-8678 | DOI: 10.33140/CTMC

Significance of Soft Skills Towards Engineering Graduates for Career Enhancement


B. Madhura

Background: Present research work intent to explore the significance of soft skills in academics besides employability among the engineering graduates. While soft skills show a key impact cutting-edge on personality of an individual gaining a good grade and prosper in job beside business.

Objective: The behavioural traits have major effect on the overall performance of the individuals, the skills that enhances one’s ability to think, solve problem, take effective decision making, time management, teamwork allows to reach the goals ahead. Methods: The simple random sample method has been implemented for the current study; sample study includes the graduates studying engineering. The questionnaire consists of six variables of soft skills, Team work, Work ethics, time management, problem solving, creativity and leadership. The hypotheses testing has been done using descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple linear regression and factor analysis.

Results: leadership, time management and work ethics are highly essential for all the graduates with irrespective of age levels. Creativity skills, Problem solving skills and leaderships skills scored high variance.

Conclusion: Among other things, it was suggested that in order to guarantee students' success in their chosen occupations and to improve their academic achievement, governments, school administrators, and all other stakeholders should make sure that the development of soft skills as a significant part of the school as well as college and University curriculum.